Pre Quiddich WorldCup Drama

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I was being woken by frantic hands the next morning that turned out to be Hermione's.

"GET UP GET UP!" She screamed right in my ear.


"THE WORLD CUP," she prodded me in the back.

"Alright," I mumbled.

"I'm going to go and wake the boys up," She sighed.

"Kiss Ron while you're at it," I muttered.

I got a pillow in return.


"This is not the perfect wake up I prefer," I complained as I finally decided to get out of bed.

"Well I'll ask Diggory to come next time," she retorted.

Someone wasn't a morning person. And that someone would be me.

"Oh that would be nice, so nice" I smirked.

"Oh my God!" She threw me a disgusted look.

"Hey, I wasn't imagining anything like that! This just proves you have a dirty mind, you little pervert,"

"There's no use arguing with you!" She left.

I went over to my closet.

I picked a few things out and grabbed them and then just dumped them in my back pack.

"I need to see what's in there!" Hermione sang as she came back in the room.

"Someone's chirpy," I said.

"The boys weren't as irritating as you," she replied.

"Or you kissed Ron, personally I think it's the latter,"

"Hey, if you tease me so much I might actually start liking him and then it'll be bad, really bad!" She moaned.

"I think you already do like him. Hence, the teasing." I mused.

"Look, when you started teasing me then I actually started thinking about him in that way and now I might like him and it's all your fault!" She accused pointing her finger at me.

"Hey! You like Fred, you like Percy! Oh wait, you like Malfoy, now did you start thinking about all of them? Go ahead and start liking them as well and when Fred plays a prank on you and Percy outsmarts you and Malfoy bullies you then it'll be all my fault as well because, oh you ended up liking them," I can't believe I said that!!!!!

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"I did not force you to like him. I just made a few comments!" I defended.

"Your point is?" She asked.

"If that ginger breaks your heart, you won't blame me!" When she said it was my fault, it really kind of freaked me out.

"You're ginger too!"

"It's darker!"

"Now give me your bag and let me check!"

"So, do we have a deal?" I asked. About the ron part.

"Fine!" She muttered.

"Why are you taking heels?" She asked.

"There might be a party later on!" I said.

"Uh-huh," she said.

"You know there might be,"

"Fine, you're the one carrying it!"

"Hermione! That is so not like you, you're usually an angel,"

Triple Trouble { A Cedric Diggory Love story } Where stories live. Discover now