Back to Hogwarts.

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We went to Hogwarts, after we got off the train, by the horseless carriages which was quite surprising, I've always wondered but unfortunately, I was always so hungry at that time that I didn't really give them that much thought.

I entered the Great Hall with Alicia and Angelina, who I had just seen. I waved at them. They waved back and without so much as a little hello or how have you been, Angelina launched into the worst possible conversation!

"Now, Silena! You remember, I told you about George?!" Angelina smiled. Merlin, I needed food before I had to bear with this!

"Listen, Ange! I know you're only 'liking' George to get back at Lee. Look, Lee made a mistake, okay? He just wanted to get your attention and besides all he did was hug her! You've hugged loads of guys!" I told her, taking her back to her senses as somewhere during dinner yesterday, I realised she and Lee were nearly a thing so where did George come from?

"I don't like Lee!" She folded her arms together, in defence, refusing the fact that I was right. She's so stubborn! But I can't really complain, can I?

"You do! He's been asking you out for years! Please just say yes, once! Lee's an amazing guy!" I insisted, really wanting them to be together and even though I wasn't as close to Lee as Fred and George were, I knew they would be cute together and Lee would treat her good.

"I guess you're right." Angelina sighed, giving up, knowing I could get really persistent. She probably still liked George but was just avoiding me.

"Now, help me! I like Lucas Scott." Alicia told me. What the hell? Why is she telling me? That's more of the secrets those two have! I guess you could call me a loner, I have friends and all but not that one particular friend. Like Angelina and Alicia let me tag along but usually I'm just by myself and my brothers. Okay, that's embarrassing!! 80% of the people I talk to are my brothers and the other 20% are their friends.

"The Ravenclaw?" I asked, wanting to confirm who she was talking about because even though I might not be like a love expert or something, I was still pretty interested. Hey, it's the first and probably last time hearing this so I better enjoy all of this!

Please don't think I'm a gossip queen but everyone is kind of interested in this type of news. I know you are too!

"Yeah." She nodded, confirming it was that blonde guy who was kind of cute but he had a squint. How on earth do I know that anyway?

Maybe I was bored during Potions and he was sitting somewhere near me. And I do notice cute guys.

"Oh Merlin! Why are you asking me? I'm no love expert! And I just saw Mary Ann! Bye guys!" I waved and made my way quickly to the Ravenclaw table, desperately trying to avoid this.

"Wait! I'm coming with you! Mary Ann is friends with Lucas." She called back.

"You don't even like Mary." I pointed out. Why did she want to go? And even if they were friends, it doesn't really mean that they would be sitting together right now.

"I can pretend." Alicia suggested, though her tone said she was kidding. I hope she was. I really do.

"Oh, Merlin! Alicia! No!" What was happening here?

I ran as fast as I could towards Mary Ann.

"Hey, Mary!" I said, quite out of breath. I really needed to improve my stamina.

"Oh, hello." She said in her timid voice. She tucked her ebony coloured hair behind her year. I noticed her grey eyes weren't sparkling like they always do. I Wonder what's wrong?

Triple Trouble { A Cedric Diggory Love story } Where stories live. Discover now