Summer Time

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The Summer had started and it was promising to be like the best summer ever, Hermione, Angelina, Alicia and Lee were here along with bill and Charlie so all in all our house had reached its breaking point.

But just like us the burrow too was hard skinned and could witness any problem or danger because it was home and partly because of magic.

Anyway, the greatest excitement about this summer was the Quiddich World Cup. It sort of had a special place in my heart because that's what me and Cedric first talked about. Eeekk! I sound like a typical sixteen year old with a boy friend.

But hey, he's so cute!! It's only fair!

Oh my Merlin!! I still can't believe he asked me out.

I'm ginger for Merlin's sake!!

Anyhow, the summer passed by in so much excitement that everyone it was time for the World Cup!

Angelina and Alicia along with Lee were leaving like a few days before it just before Harry arrived actually.

I wanted to go pick Harry up but I couldn't be bothered in the end because I knew Harry was coming here so it was alright if I saw him like ten minutes later than the others.

And I was super lazy soooo ergh!! Don't hate me Harry!

"Hermione!" I said.

She looked up and grunted. Hmm today was her lazy day as well.

"I'm bored," I yawned.

"You should have gone to pick Harry,"

"Ehh," I shrugged, regretting it already.

We spent the next half hour day dreaming.

And then we heard laughter from the kitchen. I'm not sure which one of us was faster when running towards it.

"HARRY!" I screamed. He looked at me. I hugged him so tight because I was so happy to see him.

"Merlin, Silena, you sure look different," Harry smiled.

I shrugged but he was sort of right I guess. I had started getting an actual figure this summer, my face was losing its baby fat. I was actually beginning to get curves in all the right places.

My gingerish hair was more like flaming red now. Like really really dark.

My eyes had almost completely lost the grey in them, I wasn't even sure if this was possible.

"You've changed too," I said as I noticed his very, very shaggy hair and as it was so untidy it looked very casual and bored but that wasn't like Harry. He needed a hair cut but it's summer!!

Mehhh, the boredom is getting to my brain.

Thank Goodness we have the Quiddich Cup tomorrow.

The night is passed by happily as dinner was served, Harry had become Ron in terms of eating.

I was sitting on my balcony just thinking later that night when I saw Harry.

"Merlin! Harry, you scared me," I gasped.

"Sorry," he shrugged.

"Thinking 'bout Cedric?" Harry asked as he made himself comfortable.

I shrugged.

"Listen, Silena, Cho and Cedric-" he began.

"Cho is single," I said.

"Right," he smiled.

"Harry has a wittle crush," I teased.

"Silena has a weetal boy friend," Harry retorted.

I laughed.

"Do you think it's possible, I mean, me and Cho, like she's a year older than me so older guys must have asked her out as well," Harry mused.

"If it's meant to be, it will be, Harry but don't just stand there doing nothing. Look, ask her out just as friends first maybe if you're shy. She might say yes and then spend some time with her to know if she's your type," I shrugged, giving a non committal jerk of my head.

"Hmm," Harry nodded.

"But now my friend, we have a Quiddich World Cup to go to in the morning," I smiled.

Harry grinned in earnest. He was way too excited.

"Get out of my room then," I mock-scowled.

He laughed and went out.

I smiled to myself.

Perhaps the summer wouldn't turn to be so boring really.

A/N: so guys I had my exams and they were just okay ish but YAY I HAVE A WINTER BREAK IN WHICH I'LL UPDATE!!!!

Keep on giving me feedback!!!

Also if you're reading the story and you like then please pretty please vote as well 😩😩😩

Also I know this is short but umm next chapter coming right up for you guys!!!!

Happy Winter.

p.s: isn't December just the best!!!! EEKKK

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