Dementor on the train!

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Silena's POV:

After Angelina left, I was catching up with Harry and Hermione because Fred, George and Lee weren't back yet from God knows where. Probably Knockturn Alley. After hearing, Harry  had ended up there by a sheer accident last year, they were quite obsessed with visiting the Alley. I felt a bit annoyed since they sometimes didn't include me in their activities which were basically pranks or anything dangerous.

But unfortunately, this year, I was made prefect of Gryffindor. Fred and George saw me as a 'traitor'. Honestly, I thought the same and I was quite surprised to be made prefect. My grades were good but not that good. But apparently, they were better than both Angelina and Alicia which was a surprise as we all more or less on the same level.

Yes, you must think I'm a hypocrite, being horrified about Percy being head boy while I'm a prefect myself but he likes it and I don't and it's way too obvious, I was only chosen because I was the last choice considering the situation.

We're only three girls in our year in Gryffindor and the other two are also chasers in the Quiddich team. I love Quiddich too but I'm a bit scared of heights and so I didn't risk it. Who knows? Match with Slytherin and if I had fallen down my broom, no one would ever let me live that, provided that I survive the fall.

This year, I was made prefect along with Lee Jordan, since our batch of Gryffindors was only six, three boys and three girls. I think we were made prefects to control Fred and George as we knew them best. But how in the name of merlin's pants were we going to do that?

Dumbledore must be going senile, frankly that is possible. His beard is reaching up till his waist. And it's white, not grey, white. Although being wizard and all, he could have it in any colour he wanted.

So anyway, since Fred and George ditched me, I decided to hang out with Ron and his friends.

I was actually having fun with Ron and his friends. They're kind of cool for third years. And Ron really is slightly more bearable around those too.

"C'mon Ron! Hermione can have her own pets, can't she?" I defended Hermione as she had gotten Crook shanks. She was my best friend after Lee, Angelina, Alicia and Maryann. Okay, maybe not best friend but I genuinely liked her.  Plus all she wanted was a cat but Ron has a problem with everything.

You must be wondering who MaryAnn is and to answer your question, she's one of my friends but I can't hang out with her that much Maryann is in Ravenclaw (sadly) but in our year. She was so annoyingly smart and so she was also made prefect. I s'pose she was the Hermione of our year.

"You keep that monster away from scabbers." Ron moaned, holding Scabbers with both his hands, protecting him from the poor car.

"Honestly, Ron! That rat is more than twelve years old. Crookshanks probably won't even feel a thing if he swallows it. A good swallow or too." I grinned knowing he would hate this.

"Shut it, prefect." Ron taunted. Hey, since when did that moron started tainting me?

I glared at him.

Hermione gave a shriek. I groaned. Way to go Ron. Thanks!

Oh merlin.

"OH MY MERLIN! SILENA!" She dropped her jaw and started clapping her hands together. And I thought she was shy? Wow! Wrong as always, Silena! Nothing new!

"It's not a big deal!" I put up my hands in defence trying to shrug it off.

"Of course it is! Well congratulations!" She hugged me, while squealing. Why, Ron? But I hugged her back, actually kind of happy that someone thought it was a good thing, apart from my Mum of course.

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