Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor/ O.W.Ls keep getting closer

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And we were back! Back to Hoggy Warty Hogwarts! And to my utmost horror, O.W.Ls looked much closer from this side of Christmas! I started freaking out! What was I going to do? I was positive I was going to fail!

Also, Oliver was putting pressure on us for the next game as we couldn't afford to lose. That was important too. I really regret joining the team now. I love it but I hate it too. Can someone please relate?

So I'm between of the regular Quiddich practices, all nighters for O.W.Ls, I really didn't have enough time to even see Cedric. But then again maybe I was doing it on purpose. I was a bit shy. Dad always said ,"No one is ever busy for you if they really want to talk to you", making it clear that deep down in my heart, I was quite avoiding Cedric.

Why though..? This troubled me! Didn't I totally like him?! I was too shy maybe and I didn't know what he would say and like I didn't want him to reject me but if he wanted to reject me, why would he send me those earrings? Perhaps to do it nicely? To break my heart only in two pieces instead of a thousand?

Gosh, something was wrong with me! I wish I could have slapped myself!

Anyhow, the Gryffindor Quiddich team also had a lot to worry about. Harry's old broom had been destroyed in the previous game. Humph! And he had gotten a FIREBOLT for Christmas, well, he had it until McGonnagal confiscated it and that too because of Hermione. Personally I thought she was a bit much but eh, maybe she's caring. Still it involved a fire bolt and Ron being the hanger on that he is, of course decided to take care of Harry!

I was quite mad at him until I heard him scream one morning, only to find out Sirius Black had nearly killed him.

After that I had embarrassed him so much by kissing every inch of his hair and hugging him so hard. It was so scary. Even Fred and George looked solemn!

I don't care if he is a mass murderer! He can't just scare my smallest brother in the morning. Ron honestly needs better ways to wake up!

But Oliver didn't even let me scared over Ron becauseThe match is in a few days and we honestly don't know what to do! I'm sort of dreading the match because if the match happens then that would mean O.W.L's would get closer. But I know the time is going to fly! As it always does!

And I was right! Time really does fly. It was the day of the match but I was in better spirits because Harry had his Firebolt. So that meant Harry could get the snitch before any of us could say Quiddich! Mad eh?

It was bloody brilliant. All of us cheered and Harry became an instant celebrity! Though of course he already is famous. But he got even more famous! Was that even possible?! Who cares?

Okay so as I was saying, the day of the match when I was making my way to the changing rooms, I saw something. Something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

It was Cedric and Cho Chang.
In a heated make out session. *thud*

Yes, there goes my heart! Crushed into a million pieces!

My mouth dropped open. I tried to go but it was like my feet had stopped moving.

Move dammit before they see you! I was so mad at myself! I piss myself off at times! Majorly!

Of course, that's why! I was ignoring him and so he saw his other options. He is, after all the most good looking guy in school. And if he could get a girl like Cho Chang why would he need a ginger?!

Cedric noticed me and his eyes widened.

"Silena-" he started to say but I was already far, far away.

Why was this affecting me so much? Why was I such an idiot. A lump formed in my throat. I took deep breaths and decided to join my team. I hope they couldn't tell.

"You okay?" Angelina asked.

I simply nodded.

I couldn't even remember the entire match after that. Blood was pounding in my ears and I couldn't get that stupid image out of my head. Why did he have to kiss her? Why?! Bloody hell, Silena! He's just a guy! I told myself not to be stupid!

All I remember is bumping purposely into Cho a couple of times. I'm pretty sure I bruised her shoulder! I felt horrible afterwards!

And another thing I remember is Oliver telling Harry to knock her off her broom. I had laughed unkindly at this until I remembered!

Snap out of it Silena!

Golly, when had I become so mean! Just because she didn't ignore someone I ignored, she could be a wonderful person really.

Maybe I was jealous.

Hell yeah, I was jealous!

Anyway, I ended up asking Hermione for advice and she thought I was being immature and spiteful but can I really control the way I feel?

No I can't.

In the end I decided to make the library my hideout. O.W.L's were close. I need to pass and for that I had to study, a boyfriend won't help me pass!

My eyes were becoming bloodshot from all the studying but I was learning new things.

All the time. Actually no I wasn't! They were just old things, I probably hadn't paid attention before!

Hermione was usually with me and I would tell her every thing. Every single thing.

Cedric didn't try to talk to me since. But I told myself to snap out of it if I wanted a decent career.


Oh and by the way, we won the match in case any one was wondering.

A\N: this is only half the chapter. I hadn't updated in so long that's why I just put a bit of it up. I promise the next bit will be up soon!!

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