An amazing end to O.W.L's!!

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The Euphoria of winning the Quiddich Cup remained for quite a few days and now that I looked at O.W.L's from this side, they seemed a lot closer. I know I always say this!

Now my hideout was the library. I was working super hard but would forget things after two hours. I had breakdowns and panic attacks.

Hermione sort of became my confident and best friend during all of this as Angelina and Alicia had become too close for me to be a part of the group. Mary Ann was too busy studying with other brainiac Ravenclaws.

Hermione had too much to do on her own so I didn't want to burden her further but sometimes I'd get desperate.

Harry and Ron stopped talking to her because of Scabbers being eaten by Crookshanks. Honestly, I was so thankful to Crookshanks for this that I got him a jumper. This livened up Hermione a bit. This happened a long time ago, they made up before the Quiddich final but guess I forgot to mention.

Crookshanks looked so cute in my jumper though.

We were both so worried about our problems. Hers was that she had taken every subject and mine were O.W.Ls, we were so so worried that in the midst of all this, we became best friends. Kind of.

Cedric and I talked for a bit too. His relationship started getting a bit rocky. I'm so ashamed to admit that my stomach was performing somersaults after hearing this but ehhh, what is  in my heart will probably stay in my heart. Right? It's not like the whole world will know.

After a bit of encouragement from Hermione, I decided to talk to him about Hogsmade. About what happened that day. You don't just kiss someone and then have another girlfriend.

"Cedric?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Cedric, do you remember that day? I mean, when we went to Hogsmade?" I asked, hoping my expression wasn't giving anything away.

"Yes," He blushed.

"Why did you stop talking to me?" I asked.

His jaw dropped.

"I asked you so many times to talk to me! You started ignoring me so I figured perhaps, you didn't want anything to do with me. Then I saw Cho one day and she was slightly upset and then she sort of broke down because she was going through so many problems and then she confessed she liked Me, I didn't know what to say, at that time but I didn't want to hurt her because she was sort of a friend and I know how hard it is to be turned down by someone you really like," He rambled.

"Cedric," I whispered, at loss for anything to say.

"Cedric! I was wondering where you were!" It was Cho.

I turned so fast, I'm pretty sure I cracked my neck. Shit, she probably thought Cedric was cheating on her.

"Hi, it's Silena, isn't it?" She asked nicely, winking at Cedric.

I nodded.

"Look, Cedric I know you both like each other, it's a bit too obvious, I'm sorry if I caused any problems between you too and Cedric now that I have known you properly, you aren't really my type," Cho shrugged but there were tears in her eyes.

Cedric and I looked at each other.

"Cho," we started at the same time.

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