Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

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I had focused all my energy, concentration and everything else to Quiddich. Everything else was out of my mind. It was a very good tactic if you ask me.

And of course I was focusing on studies! I had to! This was my life!

I was definitely getting better as a Chaser and also, Oliver was happy and lastly, it drove both Cedric and the frantic worry of O.W.L's well away from my mind because I knew the more I would study the better it would be!

I was happy. No I wasn't! But still!

Cedric and Cho had become quite the gossip. Cho was already quite popular but after well after she started dating Cedric, she was probably the most popular girl here.

Mary Ann, my only Ravenclaw friend was full of praises for her. She was funny and nice and stylish, not to mention exceedingly pretty. Of course, Cedric would date her if he could have her. Who in their right mind would date me. I must have been demented.

That kiss must have been a trick of the light or something of course!

What was I thinking?!

Cedric had tried to talk to me a couple of times. I replied politely, not wanting a lot of drama. We were sort of friends now. He said Cho had feelings for him and they just sort of hit it off after that.

It did affect me. More than I let on but I promised myself I was going to be okay. I did avoid Cedric, when he smiled I looked down, when he walked, I walked towards the other corridor!

I was insane!


The day of the match finally came. You know, the Gryffindor and Slytherin match. I was more excited than nervous. No I was nervous too. I was a nice shade of green.

We didn't really talk much while making our way to the common room. We were all having a bad case of nerves. Alicia was shaking slightly. My lower lip was trembling, Angelina's movement and smile seemed slightly less confident then it always was.

Fred and George were solemn. Oliver was closing his eyes and his expression would change from nervous to happy to sad to confident. Hmm. Maybe he's imagining the match.

I caught Harry's eye and gave him a smile which turned out to be a grimace.

"'This is it," Oliver whispered as we finally reached the changing rooms.

We nodded.

"We'll do it Oliver, Have faith," I whispered.

The rest nodded.

We made our way to the pitch. I could hear Lee's commentary which slightly comforted me. At least something was familiar and the fact that I was ginger was familiar too. Hey, maybe after the match I can dye my hair brown!

"Good Luck, Harry!" Called out a voice, a female voice. It didn't sound like Hermione. I looked over to see who it was and oh Merlin! It was Cho Chang. What the?

Harry started blushing. Not him too! That's it, I couldn't say anything to Cedric but Harry is my friend.

I whacked his shoulder.

His face was blood red by now.

"Hey!" He protested.

"Focus!" I snapped at him. We needed to win the game. We couldn't have our Seeker distracted!

"Somebody's jealous," he sang.

I snorted.

"You're my brother's age Harry,  use your brain for once if you have one or has Ron rubbed off too much on you?" I asked.

Harry chuckled.

"Hey, you're the closest thing I have to sister, you being jealous because of me would just be weird. I know it's because of Cedric Diggory, I heard what happened," Harry gave me a sympathetic smile.

I nodded and smiled at him then I peeked a look at Cho who was looking at us curiously.

"Break a leg, Silena!" Harry encouraged.

My jaw dropped. How mean!

"Muggle saying," he chuckled. "It's sort of like for luck," He explained.

"That's weird," I stated. What the?

Madame Hooch blew her whistle and we were off.

I felt like I could do anything.

I scored two goals, Angelina three and Alicia one. Slytherins also scored four. Nothing remotely exciting happened till then.

And then! Suddenly, it was a fight as always between the two seekers.

We held our breaths. The Quaffle forgotten.


"AAAAAAH!" I screamed and ran over to Harry and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We all formed a group hug. It was like the happiest moment of my life.

We were giggling and sort of sobbing.

Words failed us.

All we could do was scream.

And we did.

It was as if Euphoria had engulfed us. We were doing sort of weird dances as the Gryffindor house carried us.

"PARTY IN THE COMMON ROOM!" Several people screamed.

And oh we partied probably up till midnight. Someone had sneaked fire whisky in and I was a little tipsy myself. The younger ones had gone to bed. It was only fifth years and above other then the entire Quiddich team. And Hermione and Ron obviously.

I giggled and giggled.

"TO GRYFFINDOR" we yelled.

A/N: all I can manage before your exams. Next chapter up next week. Please tolerate me!!

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