Post Quiddich World Cup Drama!

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"It's not the Irish," Dad said as he cast a panicked look at all of us.

"Then?" I asked, with an edge of panic to my own voice as well.

"We need to move, now!" Dad ordered.

Bill, Charlie and Percy took out their wands and without a word they rolled up their sleeves and left the tent.

"Fred, George, Silena is your responsibility," Dad ordered yet again before going after the three of them himself, possibly to help with the chaos.

At any other time, I would have gotten angry at this but I could totally understand the circumstances right now.

We ran out of the tent. There was so much chaos outside that my heart started thumping louder and louder.

There were flashes of different lights, screams, wails and sick laughs everywhere. Left, right and centre.

The people who were doing this were performing some sort of a sick spell that made the poor innocent Muggles hovering up in the air.

"That is sick, absolutely sick!" Ron sounded disgusted..

Fred nodded with a hard look on his face.

"C'mon, we need to move now!" He said with a note of urgency at the end of his voice.

Harry, Ron and Hermione went one way while the three of us went the other.

Real smart guys! Real smart!

The ground was muddy and wet so me being the huge clumsy little thing that I am, decided to nearly slip.

Thank goodness I didn't but here comes the part where I couldn't thank the goodness. Want to know what it is?

I lost track of Fred and George.  And then I bumped into someone!

Why are all the super corny cliches of fables happening to me at this very moment?

The someone that I bumped into was extremely scrawny.

And then I looked at that someone and you all probably guessed who he was, right?

That it was Cedric.

BUT IT WASNT and you know why because CEDRIC ISNT SCRAWNY!!!!

He is big and strong and muscular!!

Well, here comes the surprise it wasn't Cedric of course  but boy, I wish it was.

Instead it was Stan Shunpike, the guy who ran the Knight Bus.

Why is my life like this?

He was bragging to some veelas those mythical creatures at the match that I probably forgot to mention since my attention span is so week.

But yeah and there was me, alone, frightened and did I mention ginger? And in a nightgown!

"I'm the owner of the most famous bus in the world!" He stated. Was he even the owner?

"Silena!" I breathed with relief as I heard that voice.

No guys, it's still not Cedric.

It was Ron, Harry and Hermione and I had never been happier to see them!

"GUYS!" I screamed and hugged each of them.

"Are you okay?" I asked as worry flooded my entire body about the others.

What was going on with them?

Were they alright?!

"This way!" Harry screamed as we ran to the direction he pointed

Then long story short in the way of Silena Weasley we heard a shout by some weird bloke and then a weird mark flooded the sky. The mark looked like a skull. It reminded me of the room of Hermione's depressed Muggle teenage neighbour (long story).

Then the goofiest blokes to ever exist, the people who worked at the Ministry of course not including my father okay?

But yes I am including Cedric's dad who guess what accused Harry and me being the older accomplice!


After things got cleared up when everyone stopped being prats, we went to our tent, had a heated discussion waited for the sun rise.

We went home and then mum was slightly hysterical but all was well sort of !

So now I guess we Wait for Hogwarts!


As soon as possible!

But this brings me to something else, guys! I have finally finished this book my first book I didn't delete after five chapters the next is coming up soon!

I love you guys

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