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I quickly made my way out of the Hospital Wing and went to Cedric.

What on earth did he have to say? I was slightly curious but slightly nervous too.

My heart was pounding loudly, I couldn't hear anything else.

Do all teenage girls who have crushes experience this?

"Yes?" I asked, when I finally reached him.

"Yeah, listen, um, sorry about the match." He stated, awkwardly.

I bit back a sigh of disappointment, of course ever the gentleman Cedric wanted to apologise.

"If you called me out here just for the match, then that's dumb because you can't apologise for winning."  I told him, dryly.

"It is nice of you though," I added as I realised I had been too harsh.

"Yeah, well, good job for your first match." He looked at me with an approving smile trying to change the subject.

I instantly felt guilty for my earlier remark at calling him a gentleman.

"We didn't win." I told him, stating the obvious.

I knew he was not flaunting the fact that he had won but still, this was a competition and I was okay with losing really but I felt ashamed. My first match, the first match of the season and Gryffindor lost! And Cedric's team won, I was happy for him but I did feel a pang of jealousy and the fact that I had a crush on him was making all of this even more complicated!

Am I making sense right now?

"But you scored a goal." He reminded me.

He was so optimistic!

"Yeahh, whatever." I grumbled still sort of put off with the fact that my team was going to be so ashamed of me not to mention furious!

"Okay, anyway, there's this Hogsmade visit coming up and all my friends are going on dates and so I was wondering if maybe, you'd want to go with me..?" He asked me, his voice trailing off at the end as if he was nervous.

I couldn't believe this. How could someone like HIM ask someone like me, something like this..? Did I even hear him correct?!

My face felt hot. My heart started beating so fast! I couldn't even believe this! Does this mean he likes me too?!

"But, of course as friends." He added as an after thought.

Yes, reality check. Obviously, he just needs company. I instantly felt embarrassed at everything I had thought right now.

"Sure, I'd love to." I smiled as I realised I wasn't doing anything either and I would love to go with him!

"Great, see you at Saturday, 9:00 am." He told me.

I nodded.

He left and I stood there motionless for about a second until...


Okay, what do I need to do now? Ask permission? Nah, hell no!

Um, I guess I need help, some girly help. But from?

Triple Trouble { A Cedric Diggory Love story } Where stories live. Discover now