Setting the Date

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We like to think we're cool sometimes

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We like to think we're cool sometimes.

DM between zack_123 and Tomika_rules.

Zack: Hey Boops you ok
Tomika: yeah I just miss you
Zack: just a few more days ❤️
Tomika : i know
Zack: what did your family say when you told them about the engagement.
Tomika: they were really happy. They also said it was about time.
Zack: why does everybody say that
Tomika: because you left it late we'd been dating for 3 years😂.
Zack: yeah but aren't you happy I did it
Tomika: yeah about that I think I have a date for the wedding. ❤️
Zack: sure what were you thinking Boops❤️
Tomika: I was thinking 7th August
Zack: oh yeah the day we had our first date.
Tomika: yeah Boops what you think
Zack: I love it. It's sounds ace.
Tomika yay I'm glad you like it
Zack: of course I like it I love all your ideas and i love you but I have to go because we have an interview now and I bet it's about 12.00pm at night in Australia.
Tomika: ok I love you Boops ❤️
Zack: love you too Boops ❤️

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