Anxiety Hits Reality

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Tomika PoV
I woke up this morning and I felt uneasy for some reason and I don't know why. I walk downstairs and see magazines everywhere and there's people everywhere running about and I'm getting stressed and panicky so I run back upstairs and lock myself in my bedroom.

Freddie PoV
I walk in to tomikas house to see if tomika wants to come to the skate park with me and I see people running about everywhere with this things in their hands and magazines everywhere. I say hi to her sisters and ask where tomika is they say she's not come downstairs all day.
Freddie: I think I know why she hasn't come down today
Laila: why
Freddie: have you seen how many people are down here trying to organise her wedding that should be something her and zack should do don't you think.
Laila: omg yes we just thought it would be less stressful for her.
Freddie: did you even ask tomika or zack what they want
Laila: no
Freddie: exactly

I leave and walk upstairs to tomikas room and try to open the door and it's locked so I walk back downstairs and walk out the house and climb up the side of the house like I used to do and open the window and see tomika reading as usual.
Freddie: hey T
Tomika: Hey Freddie
Freddie: how come your up here reading again
Tomika: it's a bit busy downstairs for me I felt panicky
Freddie: well I don't think your sisters were thinking about what they were doing I spoke to them they just wanted to make it less stressful for you and zack.
Tomika: I know but I'd rather organise it myself with zack
Freddie: I know it's hard for you but just remember we are all here for you.
Tomika: me and zack have an idea of what we want it to be like
Freddie: that's good I think your sisters are going t want to hear your ideas.
Tomika: yeah but I know they want to help me but I'm not helpless I'm 20 years old. They want me to have the wedding in December but they don't know me and zack already picked a date and it's the 7th of August the day we went on our first date.
Freddie: that's sounds good T but how about we get of the the wedding talk and hit the skate park like we used too and hope nobody notices us hey
Tomika sounds good

So I wrote a little brotherly sisterly moment between Freddie and tomika as they have lived next door since they were 2 years old so I hoped you liked it . Thanks Connie

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