The Real Problem

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Tomika PoV
Me and my sisters are sat in my hospital room waiting for doctor.
D- doctor
D: so Tomika I think you know what the problem is.
T: yeah I was afraid this might happen
D: well this is partly because your mum was the same when she had you.
T: really
D: yeah but I promise you it's nothing to be to worried about she only had it till you were born.
T: yeah but will I get the illness every time I have a baby.
D; it's most likely but we can treat you here for it.
T: ok
D: you will just feel uncomfortable and like you have the flu that's all the reason we need to keep you in is to make sure it doesn't spread to the baby and they get sick before they are born.
T: ok.
D: you will be fine I've seen you go through much worse after all I've known you since you were born.
T: I know is there any chance I can go back home and be treated for it.
D: yeah but you need to have some body to monitor you all day
T: well what about 7 people
D: that could work
T: so I can go home
D: yes you can on one condition not to much moving around.
T: yes yes yes

I know it's a crappy chapter but I wanted there to be something interesting with tomikas baby and I made up the illness just go with it and don't judge ok. Thanks Connie

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