A Baby is Born

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Tomika PoV
I woke up in the middle of the night with a aching pain in my stomach so I wake zack up
T: zack zack wake up I think it's happening.
Z: what Tomika we need to get you to the hospital.
T: I know that let's go
Z: ok

Zack PoV
when we get to the hospital the doctor tell me to take Tomika to room 253 and then the nurses come and wire Tomika up with some stuff.

While the doctors set Tomika up so she's comfy I call Freddie and summer and tomikas sisters. To come to the hospital and then I go back to Tomika.
D: her water hasn't broke yet and it may be a while but she's having contractions already and I don't know if that's a good thing but we can't tell till her waters broke.
Z: how long is that going to be
T: probably a few hours till then she just needs to not get to stressed and breathe.
Z: can her friends and family see her
D: yes just try not stress her out.
Z: ok

Z: hey T you doing ok
T: yeah just scared that's all
Z: I will be with you the whole time and Freddie and summer and your sisters are on their way too.
T: ok

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Freddie POV
I'm driving summer and Tomikas sisters to the hospital.
S: I can't believe Tomikas having the babies now.
L: I know
M: it's amazing
F: I proud of her.

Then the phone rings and it's Zack
F: Zack what's up
Z: I'm just telling you Tomikas water Hasn't broke yet it should be like another hour or so
F: right does she want anything
Z: yeah just a big pillow and some ice cream and a book
F: obviously she wants a book😂
Z: yeah so I'll see you in a but then.
F: yeah.
Tomika PoV
I'm waiting for my water to break and it's painful the doctor has given me some medics to ease the pain but the only way to help us to keep calm but it's hard to keep calm when I'm in pain. I start to think about what keeps me calm and it's skateboarding but I guess that's out of the question then there's reading so I tell Zack to tell Freddie to bring me a book.
I'm sat in a bed trying to relax Zack is sat next to me and he's holding my hand I'm just about to reach breaking point.
T: zack
Z: yeah t what's up
T: it hurts real bad you know
Z: I know but you will be fine I promise you ok. (Kisses her head)
Then Freddie and summer and my sisters walk in.
F: hey T I got you what you wanted
T: you got me ice cream and a book
F: would I ever let you down
T: no you never have have you
F: here you go how you feeling
T: you wanna take a guess lol at me.
F: enough said
S: hey when will your water break
T: now I'm guessing
S: why
T: cause it just broke.
Z: oh T summer get the doctor

D: ok Tomika I'm going to run some tests to see if there's anything wrong ok.
T: ok
D: do you all want to wait outside
Z: ok yeah

D: Zack come in
Z: ok

Zack POV

The doctor says we have something important to tell us.
D: there's no easy way to say this but one of your babies is dead in your womb.

After the doctors says that I hear Tomika crying and she leans in to me
Z: hey T it's going to to be ok
T: crying
Z:what's going to happen now then
D: the best thing to do is to carry on as normal and Tomikas going to have to give birth to the still born baby.
T: will the other baby be alright
D: yeah their totally fine.
Z: are you gonna be ok Tomika
T: yeah I have time to speak to my sisters first don't i
D: of course you have at least 2 hours
T: thanks

Z: do you want me to tell them or do you want to do it.
T: you do it.
Z: ok

Tomika POV
I can't believe this has happened. 

T: I'm fine Freddie honestly
F: really because the tears don't tell me your fine.
T: I know but I have stay calm.
F: you know it's ok not to be ok right rember what I said when we were 7
T: I know Freddie but now I want to be strong for the other baby that's inside of me she's all I have left of them.
F: I know why don't me and Zack go and get you some food or something to drink.
T: yeah that be nice

There will be a part 2 but before that there will be a part where Freddie explains Tomikas background to Zack.

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