Its Been Decided

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OKAY GUYS IM SUPER EXCITED. I have picked my three books I will be posting Next year so let me know if your excited. (I will be writing all three next year)

Book 1: Save Me (I Need You)
It's a zamika book about Tomikas mum and Freddy's Dad getting married and then something bad happens and the gang have to help her get better. It's a bit more on the darker side and it's not something I usually write but I trying something new.

Book 2: Life On The Edge the Sequel to Help Me and a treddy fan fiction. It's set three years after help me and the band is famous. There's all twists and turns and things from the past and present and it has Loren gray and baby Ariel in to add something different.

Book 3: Boxed In
so earlier today I read a chapter of a book where somebody who's books I love to read got so negative comments on her books and that's not okay. This platform is for people to write what ever they want. If you don't like it then don't read it. So in order to support her ( Courtneylou13 ) I have decided to write a book based of her book Austism . So it's about Tomika living her life in a strict routine and one day the band has to travel to New York for a week and Tomika has to keep her secret and strict routine but will the band find out about tomikas secret and will the accept her or not.

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