The Name Game

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Tomika PoV
I'm sat at home reading and zack is out with the band at some event. He didn't want to leave me but he had to go to this one it's important.

I thinking about names for the twins I have a idea but I don't know. I know I need to message summer.

Tomika just started a chat with summer.
T: hey sum
S: hey t you all right
T: yeah I'm fine just about ready to burst as usual. Anyway I wanted to ask you a question.
S: ok shoot
T: what do you think of the names penny and Penelope for the twins names.
S: I love it but shouldn't you be asking zack this question.
T: I will I just wanted another persons opinion so don't tell him.
S: ok well I have to go now we are about to walk the carpet I'll get zack or Freddie to call you after ok.
T: ok but you know I'm coming to the next event don't you
S: I expect to be there with my best friend.
T: good

Summer PoV
I no Tomika thinks she coming to the next event next week but she can't she's I'll and 8 months pregnant. She's about ready to burst.
I don't know it's her and zacks decision I just saying you don't wanna get on the wrong side of a pregnant women with the amount of hormones in that women even without being pregnant. I know zacks been shouted at 5 times already this week 😂😂😂😂😂 I thought Tomika was tough before pregnancy.

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