How Was Your Day

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Tomika PoV
Today Freddie is picking penny up from school because Zack is food shopping and I'm having my anxiety Skype call with my therapist.
I just here the door open
P: mommy, daddy I'm home
T: hey pen how was school
P: it was great I painted a picture for you.
T: let's see then
P: it's school of rock. Look there you and daddy and Freddie and warence and summer.
T: that's amazing pen why don't we stick it up on the fridge.
P: yes please
Freddie PoV
I see Tomika and penny and tomikas such a great mum.
F: hey T
T: yeah fre
F: your doing a great job you know
T: I know. I love being a mum. I love penny
F: I know she's beautiful.
T: thanks

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