A Baby Is Born 2

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Tomika PoV
I ready to give birth the doctor says.
I scared I start to push and zack is next to me the others are outside waiting and I'm really tired.
Z: your doing great t keep going
I keep pushing until the doctor says I'm done and I have one still born baby I hold her and they ask for a name.
Z: Penelope moonyHam
I'm crying then they take her off me and the doctor tells me to push I push and push until I hear crying.
D: do you want to hold her
T: yeah
D: here you go
I'm holding my daughter I wish it was daughters but I know it's for the best.
D: what's she called
T: Penny MoonyHam
I give her to Zack and then I start to cry.
T: I wish we had them both Zack
Z: hey I know it's sad but what could we do I think we should be happy we still have one, we will miss her but she'll never die in our hearts I promise we will never forget her.
T: I know but it's sad
Later on Zack fetches everyone to come see penny.
S: T she's super cute
F: I'm proud of you T
T: thanks Freddie who'd of thought I would ever leave that room.
L: what's her name
T/Z: Penny
S: that's cute.
T: ok Freddie summer
F/S: yeah
T: would you guys want to be the god parents.
F: you know we would t we'd all do anything for you.
T: thanks guys your the best.

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