Injuries and Arguments

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Freddie PoV
Me and tomika Are at the skate park and tomika is doing some pretty hard tricks I know skateboarding and singing relaxes her so I know she's been practising a lot when she gets stressed she trying this really hard trick and I she loses her grip on the board and lands she ends up falling on the floor and I run down to her and see she has blood all over her face and I call an ambulance and then zack and tell him to meet us at the hospital.

Zack PoV
Freddie called me and told me tomika fell of her skateboard and she's at the hospital I'm rushing to the hospital to see tomika and when I go in I ask for tomika Young and the nurse says she's in room 317 and I run in the room and see tomika reading and Freddie sat with tomika.

Zack: tomika are you ok (Hugs her and kisses her head)
Tomika: zack I'm fine chill I just did a trick wrong at the skate park
Zack: tomika why did you go to the skate park
Tomika: because I wanted too zack Freddie came to see me and I was reading in my room because there were like 30 people downstairs trying to plan our wedding with out us and I felt panicky so Freddie asked me if I wanted to go to the skate park and I wanted to because it calms me down
Zack: Freddie I told you about taking her to the skate park every time she goes there she gets injured what if one time it's super serious.
Freddie: zack she's 20 she can do what she wants.
Zack: Freddie you don't know what she wants (shouting)
Freddie: zack I've known her for longer than you have you don't know what she's been through
Tomika: guys stop (crying)
Zack: tomika
Freddie: tomika
Tomika: can you both get out please. None of you know what I want ok I love you both but your stressing me out on what's supposed to be a happy time. Please I can't deal with it now.
Zack: tomika please calm down
Tomika: zack please get out and you Freddie.

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