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Zack PoV
This morning Tomika said she don't feel to good so I took her to go doctors and the doctor said that the baby is not growing properly and that is making Tomika uncomfortable so now she has to stay in the hospital.

Freddie PoV
I just got a call from zack saying Tomika is in the hospital till the baby is born so me and sunner pick Lawrence up and drove to the hospital.
F: hey T you ok
T: yeah I just have to sit so I'm comfortable.
F: you will be alright where's zack
T: he went to get my stuff from home.
F: oh well what did the doctor say
T: I gotta stay in the hospital because they think something worse is going on that what the originally thought they need to run some tests.
S: oh T are you in any pain now
T: no I'm sitting quite comfortably at the moment.
L: do you want anything
T: ice cream
S: me and Lawrence will go find some for you
T: thanks guys
F: hey T you know you will be alright right.
T: I know I have zack and you and summer and Lawrence and my sisters. I'll be fine I know it.
F: ok .

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You'll be ok we all got you 1048 likes Comments Cute Hope she's ok Zamika Goals

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You'll be ok we all got you
Hope she's ok

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