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For someone who loves seeing the stars and different planets, I am the worst pilot ever.

I can start a ship and put it into lightspeed but anything else, the probability of crashing skyrockets. Especially landing. I'm surprised I haven't died because of my awful piloting skills. That's usually why Mon Mothma usually tags me along with someone else on another mission. They pilot us to wherever, we go our separate ways and do what we have to, we contact each other when we're done, and then we leave. Usually few words are passed between whoever and me, except for the time when Kes Dameron was the pilot. He kept talking and trying to get me to open up to him and after that mission, I consider him a friend.

Besides Kes Dameron, I don't consider anyone at the base a friend except for maybe Leia. Establishing any form of a relationship will end up getting you hurt, especially in my line of work. Avoiding social entanglements with anyone else will cause you to have some control on your future in my eyes.

"Major Li? They are requesting your presence in the Control Room," the pilot rushed out. Once I nodded my head in acknowledgement, the pilot rushed away and returned to his squadron. Rolling my eyes at his behavior, I picked up my blaster and clipped it on my belt before leaving.

I always liked the Rebel bases. They were always so busy and so filled with people that it was easy to slip into the background. Plus, no one observes anything when they are rushed and focused. Today was no different, since everyone was on edge after the latest strike from the empire. Besides that, the Empire might have discovered our location on Dantooine so the leaders are debating if we should move again or stay put since evidence on both sides is very scarce.

The door to Command Central slid opened and I walked in, realizing that the same debate was being discussed currently. When I say discussed, I mean argued brutally. Holograms of generals, such as General Organa, were surrounding the table and lower ranked officers such as myself stood behind them. Everyone seemed to be arguing while Mon Mothma tried to gain everyone's attention to debate like civil people.

Instead of helping Mon Mothma or adding my voice in, I leaned on one of the screens while crossing my arms and watched everyone carefully. While I was observing, I realized a man who had dark hair and a bit of a beard and mustache growing in was doing the same as I. His skin was a nice tan color but he wore a heavy coat, and his eyes were a dark brown, almost a blackish color. I could tell he didn't sleep well because of the heavy bags around his eyes and he didn't eat often, judging by how skinny he was. I stared at him, trying to read him more but his gaze settled on me so I quickly shifted my gaze back towards the debate.

"Everyone, please, settle down! We aren't going to be able to come to a sound conclusion unless we all listen to each other and then decide from there," Mon Mothma, while raising her arms, exclaimed. Everyone quieted down after she raised her voice and gave her their full attention. I felt a prickly feeling on my neck that made me feel like someone was watching me so I looked around and my eyes connected with the eyes of the man from earlier. I rolled my eyes slightly before turning my attention back to whoever was speaking.

He was voicing his opinion, speaking how we've been able to settle here and how the Empire knowing our location was just superstition, which is just us Rebels being jumpy after the Empire attacked a cargo ship that help food for us here at the base.

"They knew where to strike! The Empire knew exactly where to find that cargo ship and even if they didn't know where we were, they could have easily found out from the coordinates! No cargo ship would need to come to Dantooine, it's a useless planet," General Organa mentioned.

"Superstition! We can't keep putting our tails in between our legs and running away every time we think the Empire found us. Instead of fighting back, we'll be running around the galaxy and the Empire will still be in control!" A bunch of people nodded in agreement and some murmurs of support were heard from the people. I glanced at the man again and he seemed indifferent, just standing around and moving something in between his hands. I realized I was staring and looked at Dameron, who was annoyed that his side was losing the debate as it seemed.

"It'd be more useful to the cause to be alive and running than dead because we were idiotic and stayed when there were obvious signs when the Empire knew our position!" Dameron exclaimed which caused a huge uproar in the room which Mothma was clearly annoyed about. Screams of 'it's just a superstition' and 'leave while we still can' echoed through the room, which started to annoy me.

"Hey, shut up! If you all just listened we might be able to solve this problem," I shouted. I pushed off the screen and let my arms fall to my sides, everyone instantly became quieter and turned my direction. I glanced at the man who was looking at me curiously before I focused all my attention on Mon Mothma, who seemed relieved.

"Major Li, what do you suggest we do then? You've been awfully quiet over there," some person sneered. I looked for the speaker and when I caught his eyes, I glared at him before voicing my plan.

"Senator Mothma, if you'll let me, I can find out if these rumors are true. I can go to Coruscant and then report back to you of my findings, which will end this debate," I said. Slowly, people started nodding their heads while turning their attention back to Mothma.

"It could work," Organa said, turning to Mothma.

"It'll have to. Major, we'll find you a ship and you'll leave as soon as possible. Meeting dismissed," Mothma declared. Everyone got up slowly and left. I looked where the man stood but seeing that he was gone, I slowly walked towards Organa and Mothma.

"Li, are you sure you can find this information without being discovered?" Mothma asked, concerned laced within her features. Mothma was truly a beautiful women, just the weight of the Rebellion has definitely affected her, more so than the rest of us. I nodded before responding.

"I have before, Senator," I said while shrugging. Mothma gave me a small smile, one that didn't reach her eyes, and Organa looked grateful.

"How's Princess Leia, General?" I asked. I met Leia when I first came to the Rebellion. She was kind and thoughtful, treating me with care even though I was older and she knew nothing of my background. Except, most people here have had horrible pasts which is why we ended fighting for the Rebellion. Everyone was different though, and everyone suffered a unique amount of pain. I've only seen Leia a couple of times after that initial meeting, but it's been about a year since I last saw her.

"Eager as ever to join. She's actually on her way to Dantooine right now, even though I believe it to be extremely dangerous," he explained. I nodded solemnly, knowing he believed that we should be evacuating as we spoke.

"I'll be sure to keep her safe any way I can, General," I promised. General Organa nodded before bidding us good luck and the force to be with us before turning off the communicator. I stiffly nodded towards Mothma before heading back to my quarters, getting ready for the mission I was to be sent on shortly.

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