Chapter Five: The Coming Storm

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Nethel brought Morek down safely in the fields outside the camp where an impatient Casaris waited.

"Where have you been?" he asked worriedly. "It has been hours. I was afraid they had shot you out of the sky."

He pulled Morek into an embrace.

"I am fine," Morek said.

"I cannot lose you too," Casaris said somberly.

They were silent for a moment. Nethel sighed, Morek feeling his boredom in his mind. Morek stroked under the dragon's chin and grabbed his reigns. The three walked back to camp. Morek tied off Nethel in a clearing in the woods where he slept. The brothers made their way to Morek's cabin. They entered and shut the door. Morek removed his pack and set his bow down on his desk. He sat behind it and rubbed his temples.

"What could have happened in just a year's time?" Casaris asked.

"Everything," Morek said. "The Empire has made it stretch East all the way to the sea."

"Did you go to Nerngarohm? I am sure the Dwarfs there would have been able to protect themselves behind those giant stone gates," Casaris said, remembering how the Dwarfs held off the Orcs for two years before they broke into the city, back when the Orcs ruled over the land.

"Unfortunately, the might of Borious was stronger. He has impressed the Dwarfs into his armies," Morek explained. "He has gone so far to force other races into taking over their own kingdoms and empires."

"How far south did you go?" Casaris asked.

"Just to the Middle Region where he is burning cities to the ground like Harthwait," replied his brother.

"What about the Orclands? Do you know if that area has been taken?" asked Casaris.

"I doubt Borious has made his way down there yet," Morek said. "The Orcs may not have a central government, but their population is far bigger than Borious's armies. He will probably make his way south after he finishes amassing his armies."

Casaris nodded. "We need to tell them."

"I agree."

Morek stood and walked outside. Morek called for all of his Guardians to meet at the fire. Morek stood on one of the stumps used as a seat as the young Guardians gathered around. Morek sighed.

"Guardians," he began. "As you know, it has been a year since we have had communication with the empires of humans, Dwarfs, and Elves. We have had strained relationships since the execution of Frajan Alden, who died at the hands of The Empire. My friends, I regret to tell you that The Empire has taken over the entirety of human, Dwarf, and Elf inhabited mainland."

The crowd gasped and cried out. Shouts began to erupt. Morek held up a hand, and they quieted.

He continued. "We have two options in this matter. We can stay here and continue to keep to ourselves until Borious comes to take us away to serve him."

Shouts of disgust came from the Guardians.

"Or," Morek shouted over them. "We can be Guardians and do what we are supposed to do. We fight this oppression and save our races from the wrath of Emperor Borious."

Cheers screamed out. Casaris stepped up with his brother.

"But," he shouted. "We are Guardians, and we act on the Guardian Code. We all fight, or none of us fight. There is no middle ground. There is always the risk of death, but you signed up for that moment you were born a Guardian. So, who wants to be a part of this?"

All of the Guardians raised their hands high into the air. Morek smiled.

"Good," Morek said. "Let us begin."

Over the next few months, the Guardians went under extensive and strenuous training. When Morek got his brief introduction into the world of being a Guardian, he was trained under three subjects: strength, fighting, and magic. So, he applied his training to his trainees. 

Every morning, before the sun rose, Morek began shouting and waking the Guardians up. They would then run a lap around Aria Island before breakfast. At first, they were weak. So, Morek gave them something to work for. 

"Alright Guardians," he said one morning before they ran. "A large group of you have been dropping out of the run because you are tired. No longer. In combat, you cannot get tired. If you drop out, you drop out of breakfast. Am I understood?"

The trainees nodded, some believing their compassionate trainer was just trying to make them work. So, when a few departed the run early and went to the hall to eat, they were surprised when Morek turned them around and made them run the entire track again. Needless to say, the group completed the run every time. 

Casaris began teaching strength and basic fighting while Morek taught magic and advanced fighting. After breakfast, the trainees went to Casaris for the morning. Some days they spent their time lifting heavy rocks or building arm and leg strength. Other days they learned basic sword fighting, axe wielding, and archery. They learned how to stop and kill a combatant. The group also learned how to sneak up on an enemy. Eventually, they became comfortable with their weapon of choice. Most humans chose hand-and-a-half, short, or long swords, with a few choosing bows or heavier weapons. The Dwarfs mostly sided with axes or large hammers. The Elves felt most comfortable with bows. Being strong and limber, they were good shots. 

After Casaris's class, they ate lunch and went to Morek. Casaris was tough, but Morek's course was harder. Magic was an art that took time to perfect and strengthen. At first, the Guardians could only perform a few simple spells before tiring themselves out. Over their training, though, they were able to channel their magic through their weapons, become deadly warriors. With that ability, Morek moved on to teaching them how to fight with their magic. Magic was something that could turn a person for evil if used for evil. Morek taught his Guardians how to use their new found powers for good. 

Three months later, Morek stood on the same stump he had stood on before when the group had voted to fight. The Guardians stood, donned in armor, weapons at their side, looking up to their leader. Smiles were on their faces as the morning sun rose over the forests. 

"Guardians," Morek said. "Now, we fight."

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