Chapter Ten: War of the Ages

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Under 100 people marched out of Enidir into the Orclands. Less than 100 humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Orcs left behind their lives for the possibility of death on the battlefield of those who had an upper hand. Nethel flew overhead as the feet of warriors kept moving north toward the land of their Elven brothers. They matched, heads held high, ready for what awaited them across the border. Five days later, the forests of the Elf Empire came into view over the horizon of the barren Orclands.

They camped that night by a grove of dead bushes and trees. Even though they were all there for a common purpose, tension between the races could still be felt in the air. Morek stood with Casaris, back against a tree. He looked over their group, sitting with their respective races. Morek knew that somehow by the end of this, they would no longer have to retreat to the boundaries of their people, but instead they would all be one.

As the moon rose, torches appeared in the distance. Morek approached Ashtenaken.

"Is there any reason Orcs would be out this far at night?" he asked.

"Not at all," the Orc replied. "Imperials?"

Morek pulled out his bow. Casaris, Ashtenaken, and Morek put out their fire and quieted the camp. The three ran out into the night to set an ambush for the approaching group. The three waited in the tall grass for them to get close. Then, they flew up and brought the group to a halt.

"Just Elves," said Morek.

They lowered their weapons.

"Are you Morek Alden?" one of the Elves asked.

"Yes," Morek replied, confused how they knew him.

"It is me, Princess Ayda Ianmoria, daughter of Azetlor. We met when you traveled through our empire to get the Nesur Crystal for your father," she explained.

"Why Princess, what a surprise meeting you in such a such a fashion," Morek said. "It is very nice to see you again. Who are these with you?"

"This is my Royal Guard," she told him. "We have been camped in the woods for quite some time, and we finally decided to come to the Orcs for food and shelter. What are you doing here?"

"We are actually planning to attack the Imperials holding down your empire," Morek explained. "The rest of my army is down in that grove. Would your men be willing to help take Fort Eselcame?"

"I believe that can be arranged," the princess replied.

They took her and her guards back to the camp. The sun rose again the next morning, and the journey continues north. They entered the forest around midday. By sun rise the next day, the walled fortress of Fort Eselcame came into view.

"This was the last place we stayed before we were told the Imperials were coming to take it," Ayda told them. "It is the most impressive fortress the Elves have ever constructed. Be warned: this will not be an easy fight."

"Alright," Morek said. "We move hard. I cannot get Nethel in here. The trees are to thick. We use magic and burst through the front gates. Warriors, let us fight, and let us win."

Morek and the Guardians stood in front of the gates. The two archer towers just had spearmen in them. They shouted down to those inside.

"Guardians!" Morek shouted. "Aim!"

They pointed their weapons toward the gates.


The gates bursted open. Armies clashed as swords clanged. Morek fired arrows into his adversaries. The Elf Royal Guard rushed in passed the Guardians toward the front. Morek watched as several of them were immediately slaughtered. At the sight of their lost brethren, the few left retreated behind Morek's army. Morek led his men into the fray. Ayda had been right. The Imperials had dug themselves in very well. They used their forward advances as cover for archers farther back in the city. Morek caught Nomes in the corner of his eye fighting three soldiers. They pressed him against the wall. Morek fired arrows into the two on the outside, distracting the middle soldier. Nomes stabbed his sword through the soldier.

It was a rough fight. The group finally forced the Imperials archers to surrender. The soldiers were imprisoned and looked over by a few Elves that had lived in the city. Ayda came to Morek that night.

"I lost 15 men," she said.

"I am sorry Princess," Morek replied.

"We have decided that we will not be continuing on the journey with you," Ayda told him.

"But Ayda-," Morek began.

"I will not risk the lives of anymore of my men," she said. "I trust to leave the capture of my capital in your capable hands."

She thanked him and then left. The group had a short night's rest before waking up as the sky turned gray. They left Fort Eselcame with Ayda and her forces and continued the trek north. Meselin came into view at midday. They attacked at sunset, Morek flying over and firing from Nethel. Arrows struck the soldiers on the ground as the rest of the forced cut them down. They took the city before the sun set, but the soldiers fought to the very end. Only one was left standing, waving a white flag, surrendering. Morek smiled at their second victory. For two nights they rested and laid out a plan of attack on the Elf capital.

Finally, they left Meselin and began the three day hike to Alscophin. The army marched over the hills of the deserted outskirts of the capital with the moon overhead. The once bright center of commerce was black as the sky above. Morek commanded the troops to be quiet and sneak through the city.

It was quiet and too still for Morek. He felt the presence of others in the shadows. The group stopped. An arrow whizzed passed Morek and into the shoulder of another of a Guardian Dwarf named Hemasder. He screamed out as Morek returned fire.

"Get to cover!" Morek shouted.

He, Selma, and Casaris broke through the window of house and more arrows rained down on the street, striking two Orcs who did not make it inside. The three pressed against the back wall as arrows came through the broken window. Morek spotted a back door and led the others through it into a small walkway that wove its way behind the houses. Morek, Selma, and Casaris ran through the tight walkway. They emerged at another street but immediately ducked back into cover. A line of Imperial archers fired shot after shot down the street. Another in a tall tower fired more accurate shots at individuals he spotted.

"Let me take out the tower," Selma said.

"Go," Morek commanded.

The woman dashed across the dark street, not making a noise. She climbed the outside of the cobblestone tower. Morek spotted one of the soldiers with his sword sheathed, no helmet, and in a different uniform. He pointed the soldier out to Casaris. His brother nodded and snuck across the street and along the buildings until he was behind the man. Morek knocked an arrow and looked up to Selma who summited the tower. She stabbed clean through the archer. Morek motioned for her to hold the soldier. He then motioned to Casaris. Casaris nodded and came behind the soldier, holding his sword to the man's neck. They exchanged a few words. Morek pointed at Selma who then dropped the archer. He fell to the ground with a thud, catching the attention of the guards and unfortunately the unprepared Casaris, who attention was diverted from his captive. The soldier pushed him back and grabed the hilt of his sword, making the blade glow red. Morek took his shot and fired at the head of his brother's aggressor. His strike was successful, gathering the attention of the archers who began to fire in his direction. Morek backed farther into the walkway. Selma shouted to him.

"Catch!" she shouted.

Selma jumped off the tower. Morek shouted a spell, creating a blue surface for her to land softly on. The archer's were not quick to react through. She had two killed before they blinked. Casaris attack from the other side as Morek stepped out and covered them. Finally, the group was killed and the three stood around panting. Morek and his army marched through the doors of the Imperial Palace at dawn.

They had finally taken the Elf Empire.

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