Chapter 16: The Imperial Elect

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Morek stood outside the gates of Umard Woods with two thirds of his fighting force. For the second time, the army would split. Morek had made ranks for his soldiers now. He and his brother were commanders, the rest of the army lieutenants, except for a few. He named Selma and Durfur Agnotock generals of his two units. Nomes was sent south with two Guardians to inform the Orcs to hold the South and be ready to press north when Morek called on them. As for Casaris's command, they would hold Umard Woods and push west toward the northern edges of the capital.

As the yellow brushes of dawn broke the gray mist covering the forests, Morek bid his brother fair well. Casaris and his army stood waving as Morek, Selma, and Agnotock galloped south toward the Imperial Way, the highway that bridged Voriontu to its eastern resources and The Empire to its eastern neighbors. From their, Agnotock would hold a barricade from anyone taking resources to Voriontu. Morek and Selma would go east, relieving the impressed cities of the region and hopefully gaining more men. If that worked fine, the staging for the final assault would begin.

Only a day later, the dirt road came into view. Morek made camp and began instructing Agnotock. The group went into the forest and spent their afternoon chopping down large trees. The trees were then pulled across the road to make a roadblock.

"Place two Elves in the trees and give them a call for if someone approaches," Morek commanded. "Have the rest hide in the forest. If they come, kill them unless they surrender. We cannot allow resources to get to the capital."

Morek and the burly Dwarf parted ways as the sun began to set. Morek knew his command would need to travel all night in order to reach their first target by the next morning. So after a quick dinner, the Guardian's attack front pushed through the blackened night toward Yelmogon.

He finally saw the shadows of figures against the gray of early morning. His army galloped passed the acres of fields that began The Empire's Eastern Region that ran from Yelmogon to the border city of Hemliocal. Farmers stood from their work and cheered at the flag of their mysterious saviors that waved as the building of the main city began to appear.

The Imperial force was small and only one fought, the others surrendering immediately. They threw off their black armor and offered their assistance to Morek and his men. Every other man in the town joined as well. Boys and old men alike grabbed fabled family swords and mounted horses. Mothers and wives cried as their families followed Morek to the largest city in the East Region, Elkiris. It was home to the most farms in the entire East. Much like the previous attack, the armies of Borious dropped their weapons and declared their allegiance to the Alden Republic. Morek sent a group of them to take the other large cities of the East Region and send reinforcements west toward Voriontu. The Guardian thanked them and began the three day ride back to the barricade. With the East, North, and South Regions under his control, Morek turned his attention to the centerpiece of the Middle Region, Voriontu.

Morek regrouped with Agnotock to find only one group of scared farmers attempted to make for Voriontu. They joined Agnotock, giving their food and horses to the Alden Republic's army. The barricade was pushed away and the road reopened for Morek's army to push toward the capital. Morek sent an Elf ahead to scout what awaited them. The group slept that night and departed the next morning.

They traveled for a day and a half when the Elf came back to him.

"There is a large group ahead," the panicked Elf informed. "Two large groups with over 100 men."

Morek thanked him and consulted with Selma and Agnotock. They agreed to check out the force for themselves. What they found was not as impressive as the spy made it sound. The force was about the size of Republic army. It looked as if they had come to pave the way for the rest of the army. Morek, Selma, and Agnotock believed they could fight, but they still decided to poll the rest of the army. All but a small number voted to attack. With the majority ready, the army decided to move at midnight. As one group, the army made a rush down the center of the camp. Horns sounded as the Imperials awoke to chaos abounding. With all the insanity and the cover of darkness, Morek lost his men. He was deep within the camp when he noticed the eerie silence. The blow on the back of the head was quicker than he could respond to as he fell over unconscious.

He awoke inside a tent, the sounds of the battle far off. Candlelight flashed against the canvas interior of the darkened tent. Morek was tied to a chair at the center of the empty tent. His thoughts were hazy from the blow to the back of his head. Instinct kicked in as he attempted to remove the restraints on his wrists and ankles. Suddenly, the flaps of the tent pulled open to reveal the silhouette of a man against the setting moon. He stepped silently inside, followed by another. Morek recognized them immediately as the henchmen of the Emperor.

"Inquisitors," Morek said. "Can Borious not do his own dirty work?"

The darkened figures stepped forward, both faces smeared with an evil grin.

"So, our friend did speak about us," one said.

"Of course. Borious never trusted him to take charge of Umard Woods anyway," replied the other.

The other sighed. There was a moment of silence, the war cries once again returning. Morek spoke again.

"This was quite a wonderful meeting, but I should be going. Would you mind removing my restraints?"

The two inquisitors laughed heartily.

"Please, Butil, assist our friend here."

"No, Camerset, the pleasure is yours."

Camerset stepped forward and reached for Morek's restraints, deceiving the Guardian for only a moment, before the knife came from the inquisitor's belt and slashed Morek across the arm. Morek winced in pain, the wound beginning to bleed. He gritted his teeth, determined to remain strong.

"Borious just commanded us to end you," said Butil, his knife slipping from its place on his side. "But torturing you will be much more fun."

Butil ran his knife up Morek's arm. Screams came from outside of the tent. The inquisitors' heads jerked toward the tent entrance, catching the sounds of feet pounding on the dirt. Camerset cursed.

"I am going to finish this."

The tent entrance flew open as Camerset's knife entered Morek's abdomen. Morek screamed in agony. Selma's glowing blade swept quickly through Camerset as the Elf, Christian, stabbed his short sword through the surprised Butil. Selma pulled a piece of cloth from one of the dead inquisitors and held it over the wound in Morek's side. Christian worked at the ropes and finally untied them. The two helped Morek to his feet and out of the tent. The Republic army stood milling amongst themselves around the defeated encampment of the Imperial forces.

"Doctor! We need a doctor!" Selma shouted.

One of the Guardians came forth and led them to one of the tents. He pulled it open to reveal three long tables . Medical supplies littered the tent. Morek's vision faded as the doctor began working.

Morek awoke not long after he had been saved. A cloth was wrapped around his abdomen. Christian sat asleep in a chair in the corner. Morek attempted to pull himself up, grunting in pain. Christian's eyes flashed open. He jumped from his chair to Morek.

"You should not move," he told his teacher.

"Fetch me a staff," Morek commanded.


"Do it!"

The Elf hurried out of the tent, returning moments later with a black walking staff. He assisted Morek to the edge of the table. Morek pulled on his shirt and slid off the table, supporting himself with the staff. Slowly, he proceeded out of the tent and into the bustling camp. Guardians, Dwarfs, and the volunteer men hustled around. Christian led Morek to the the command tent. Heads rose from their conversations as surprised eyes met the injured Morek.

"You should be resting," said Selma.

"War had no time for rest," Morek told her. "It is time. Send for the Orcs. Send for the Elves. Send for the Dwarfs. Tell the North and South flanks to push for the capital. We are going to destroy the beating heart of The Empire."

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