Chapter Seven: Growing Threat

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The men removed their clocks and wrapped the women, removing them from the cold, damp prison. They took them to the central castle and into the great dining hall. One of the Guardians started a fire. They helped the women to the hearth to get warm.

"Fetch them some clothes," Morek commanded.

A Guardian ran off. Morek removed some of the unleavened bread from his rations and handed then off to the Dwarfs. They ate ravenously, asking for water. Morek gave over his flask which they passed around. The room was silenced for a moment, other than the crackling of the fire.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Morek asked gently. "Or who you are?"

"I am Grarrini," said on of them. "These are Aradead, Madasli, and Werandrea. We are the only survivors of the attack on Nerngarohm."

"The only ones?" Morek asked.

"Yes," said the other, Madasli. "Other then the men they took. Our husbands and sons they took into their army and threatened to kill them if they did not obey."

"What about the other women?" Morek asked.

Werandrea cried out. Aradead comforted her.

"We were all originally kept in the prison to be toys of the guards left behind," explained Grarrini. "They assaulted and beat us. Some of us they killed and ate in front of us. Others..."

She trailed off for a moment, a look of fear in her eyes.

"Others?" questioned Morek. "Others what?"

She spoke quietly and slowly. "They made us eat."

She stood up and ran to the corner and hurled up what very little food had been given to her. Casaris went to her side and helped her back to the hearth.

"I am sorry," she said. "I am so sorry."

"It is ok," Casaris said. "Can one of you tell me about the actual attack."

Aradead spoke up. "They came into the city through the mining tunnels," she told them. "They quickly cut down anyone who they did not find worthy to join their army or to torture. It was madness. The only reason we made it through is because we hid. The army was led by some man in a different armor. He composed himself like a king and called himself Inquisitor Alke"

"Any other features about him that stood out?" Casaris asked.

"Yes," she said. "He carried a sword of pitch black metal in his right hand, which was gloved, but his left hand did not have a glove."

"Did he do anything with it?" Morek asked.

"He shot fire out of it," Aradead replied.

Casaris looked questionably at Morek who shrugged back.

"So, they took the city swiftly?" Morek asked.

"Very," she responded. "After it was taken, they searched and looted the houses. They busted through my door. My husband tried to fight, but they restrained him. Then, they took me away from my two young ones. I have come to the conclusion that they are dead, and I have accepted that. Afterwards, we were all placed inside the palace where the men stood separate from the women. The inquisitor made this long rambling about how we were to submit to The Empire and how we were property of Emperor Borious. The men were forced to join the army or die, right there. My brave husband spat on the face of the inquisitor. I cried as Alke cut him from the bottom up into two pieces. After that, the men were taken away. The women were placed in the prison, and for a while the army stayed. Then, there came word of rebellion in Elf Region. So, Alke left behind some guards and marched off."

"Wow," said Morek. "That is horrible. I am so sorry."

"Thank you for your concern," replied Aradead. "There was some other things we heard them say though."

"Like what?" Casaris asked.

"The guards were talking over dinner one night about the emperor's plans," she explained. "He has found some other group of humans on another piece of land across the great seas."

"Really?" Casaris asked.

"Yes," she said. "Borious is amassing his army to sail over there and conquer them."

"This is a game changer," Morek said. "If Borious does that, there will be no more freedom on this planet."

"But they said there was one more thing they needed," Aradead told them. "They are heading for the Orclands. It is their final destination before becoming victorious over the other humans. If they get the raw power of millions of Orcs in their ranks, The Empire will be unstoppable."

"Thank you," Morek said. "Thank you for all of your help. If you would like, you can come back to Aria Island with us."

"No," said Grarrini. "We are going to stay here and wait for out husbands and sons to come home."

The Dwarf women all agreed. Morek thanked them again and gave them some food and water. The Guardians exited the palace and met in the courtyard. A few of the Dwarfs stayed back with the women to protect them. Morek addressed the group that remained.

"We have gained valuable information from this visit," he told them. "We now know that Borious is amassing an army for war against another group of humans on another land across the sea. The only thing he needs now, is the Orclands. My plan is to team up with the Orcs and defeat Borious before the world falls under his rule. I know the Orcs are not exactly our friends and cannot be trusted, but we need them. We cannot fight The Empire alone. Guardians, you signed up for this, but Dwarfs, you came along out of your service to your empire. I cannot make you go further, but I plead for you to join us. We need all the people we can get. Borious has turned races against themselves. Now is the time for the races to fight back. So, you can stay, or you can march out of those gates and into a new dawn of a land not under the rule of The Empire."

The group was silent as Morek marched forward. Footsteps echoed behind him as an army went to war.

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