Chapter 12: A Time for Fighting

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Though constant fighting made the army wary, the moral boost of the night before boosted the spirits of Morek's men. They marched toward Melthinohm, smiles on their faces and joy in their steps. The day was perfect, not a cloud in the sky. The sun shone overhead as the group progressed down the dirt road through the tall trees of the Elf Empire. As they walked, a group of Elven Guardians carried the flag of their empire. It was a green flag with a large, white tree in the middle, enclosed in a white circle. They cheered and sang songs of their people.

At the head of the mass was Morek and Casaris, brothers in peace and arms. They occupied their time by talking. Casaris gave a vivid, most likely not very true, description of his night. The tale became obviously false as he began to talk about fighting Nethel and being kissed by 20 women. He had awoken in the middle of one of the green spaces, remembering not much after his Dragon fight. Morek entertained his tall tale, and then he told of his night. He ended with Selma leaving the tavern, but did not say anything about his failed kiss.

"I said do not go falling in love again," Casaris said.

"I am not in love," Morek lied.

Casaris made a mocking laugh. "That is a complete lie."

"No it is not," Morek said, attempting to convince him otherwise.

"Morek, you are my little brother. I know you too well to not know when you are lying," Casaris told him. "Remember when you were five, and we were out in the fields?"

"Not this story again."

"And somehow you managed to step on half the sprouting vegetables? Then, you tried to convince Father that a Dragon had come in the night."

"Yes! Fine!" Morek exclaimed, stopping his brother before the story went on. "I love Selma. Are you happy?"

"That is quite sweet of you Morek," came a woman's voice.

Casaris skickered. Morek turned around slowly to face Selma.

"But I do consider our relationship purely business," she said.

"Selma, are you enjoying our company?" Casaris asked. "Or are the men bothering you too much?"

Morek scoweled at his older brother.

"Well, Casaris, some of the men are making unwanted advances," she replied. "I hope you do not mind if I continue the journey with you."

"Of course not, madam," Casrais said.

Morek whispered to his brother, "I really hate you."

Casaris smirked. Selma came to his side and began talking to him. Morek continued in silence. After marching for three days, the army crossed the southern border of the Dwarf Empire. By noon a week later, they approach the Dwarf city of Melthinohm, a few miles from the Dwarf capital. The city was massive, spanning from a large, walled central area to miles of surrounding farmland. Morek and his army had followed a river that now continued to flow toward the city.

Morek sent Selma and Casaris to one of the nearby farms. They returned soon after with an all clear. The army marched forth and took shelter in the large farm. Morek spoke to some of the Dwarfs about the city.

It had an almost impenetrable two-tiered wall. Its main source of water was a water wheel that brought water into the city. The city transported food to the capital since the capital was in the mountains. Morek devised a plan of attack. The plan went into effect that night.

That night Morek, Selma, Casaris, Nomes, and an Elf Guardian named Werin led the army to one of the closer farms and then departed. The small group followed the river till it came to the wall. The large wooden wheel spun as more and more water came into the city. In the cover of darkness, they jumped onto the spinning wheel, one at a time, letting it take them to the small hole in the wall. Morek was the first one in, jumping onto the wooden wheel. He rode it up to the hole where he grabbed the slippery wall and pulled himself through. The water assisted him through as he exited the hole to face a wooden slide downward. Two wooden platforms sat on either side. Morek hoisted himself over before he swept down into a black hole. A torch casted reds and oranges against the walls. Morek removed a dry piece of cloth from the sack on his back. He lit it with the torch and threw it out into the river, signalling an all clear. Selma came through next, followed by Nomes and Casaris. Morek looked through the hole to help Werin through, but when he came around, his hand slipped on the rocks. He continued to be carried by the wheel until the group heard a large splash.

"We have to go on," Casaris said. "Move."

The group went down stairs and through the wooden door at the bottom. They came out into an open street. It was quiet and empty. They proceeded quietly around the corner to another street. Two guards sat quietly at the gate, one snoring. Selma removed her blade. Morek nodded. She sped silently across the street, quietly stabbing the awake guard. She finished off the quiet killing by lobbing off the head of the other and catching it before it hit the ground. She waved them over.

The group sprinted across the street. The tall pair of wooden doors had a wooden latch across it. They pushed it away, opening the first gate of the two-tiered system. Morek and the group repeated the process and opened the second gate. It opened to dark fields of the outlying farms. Morek took the torch from inside wall and waved it back and forth. A few moments later, a large group of black masses emerged from the farms. Morek led the army into the quiet city. He called down Nethel who landed in the street. Morek left the ground forces to Casaris, and he invited Selma to ride with him.

"I have never ridden a Dragon," she said.

"There is a first time for everything," Morek replied.

She smiled. Morek climbed onto Nethel's back and then helped Selma on. She held on to his waist as they climbed high into the sky. They watched as the fight below began.

The guards were all with the bounty of supplies at the city center. Streaks of magic flew from the Guardians as they struggled against the large amount of enemy forces. Morek fired arrows from far above the battle, hitting with great precision.

"I cannot fight from all the way up here," Selma said as she jumped off the back of the Dragon.

Morek screamed as she plummeted to the ground below. His heart jumped as she landed softly amongst some of the supplies. Selma got up and went to fight. Morek decided to follow in suit. He slid of Nethel and fell toward the spot Selma had landed. Adrenaline pumped through him as he got closer and closer to the ground. Finally, he pointed his feet downward as he crashed into the bags of supplies. He was dazed for a moment but shook it off. Adrenaline rushrd through him as he launched out of the bags and into the fight.

Morek watched as the Guardians fought well, but the performance that caught his eye was the Dwarfs. They hacked and sliced their way through their adversaries. It was a long fight, lasting until dawn, but the Dwarfs and Guardians prevailed. They rested as Morek attempted to come up with an attack on the Dwarf capital. Every way he tried resulted in his army's demise. The city was too large and their were to many soldiers. Casaris entered after looking through the supplies.

"We are resupplied," Casaris said. "And we found something else."

"What?" Morek asked.

"Three barrels of poison," he told his brother.

Morek had a sudden moment of clarity. He presented his idea to his brother, who agreed. They then told the Dwarfs and Guardians the plan.

"We have three barrels of a very strong poison," Morek explained. "The capital gets its water from the same river that passes by this city. If we put the poison in the water and wait a little while, we will have the city easily."

"I disagree," shouted one of the Dwarfs. "We have men in that city."

"We do not know that," Casaris said. "They could be dead or part of Borious's army."

"But they could be alive," voiced another.

For the first time, Morek took his power a step further than it should have gone. He made the executive choice of poisoning the river, contrary to the choice of the Dwarfs.

Several Dwarfs left his company. They decided to travel west and assist the Orcs on their crusade. Morek shunned them, believing he had made the just and right decision. Two days later, the group was off, following death downstream.

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