Chapter 20: Death of Two

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The brothers proceeded into the castle. It was dark, barren, and cold. It was like they had entered a tomb. Morek had been through many things, but the presence of death in the palace was more then he had ever experienced. Their footsteps echoed off the floor. Large paintings and tapestries displaying the history of The Empire hung off the walls. Ornate, golden furniture was all around. It felt as though the place should be bustling, but there was just stillness. They had both visited the palace many times with their father and knew their way around.

They came to the throne room. Casaris pushed open the doors. They swung inwards with no resistance.

"Frajen was a good man Morek,"came a voice from the dimly lighted throne at the end of the room. The windows were covered with curtains, minimal light making it into the candlelit room. "When we killed that Orc king, Tidgud-Nar, he was so selfless. He kept telling me that I did all of it, that he was just there. I know now, that was not true. I remember losing my sword. Tidgud-Nar backed me into a corner. Your father escaped the hold of a guard and killed the king. He was so brave. I saw myself as the hero. He told everyone I was. I lied to him, offering more than he could ever want. It never came to him."

"Borious," Morek said. "This is your chance. Surrender."

"You are going to let him live?" Casaris whispered.

"I agree with your brother, Morek," the emperor said. "Why give the option to live?"

"I have learned that not all are dark by choice and that forgiveness should always come before fighting. Steris taught me that," Morek explained, sincerity in every word. "She loved me. She loved you. I trusted her, and so I forgive you Borious."

"This is what makes you a better man than me Morek," Borious said despairingly. "I know how this ends. If I surrender, I am tried and executed, but if I fight you, I shall die the way I always wanted to. I will die with honor."

He stood from his seat. Borious walked to a table nearby and picked up an ornate sheath. He pulled from it a beautifully crafted, silver blade. Morek threw off his cloak. The emperor of a power that had ruled for years stood against two farm boys for Harthwait that had become warriors. They advanced at each other with ferocity. For a very old man, Borious was one of the most skilled fighters Morek ever faced. No Dark Lord, Orc, Being, or Inquisitor he had ever faced was as powerful as the creator of the Guardian Order. Borious had long ago mastered fighting and magic.

They blades clashed with clangs of metal. Borious was quick to parry their strikes. He threw objects across the room toward them with magic. Morek and his brother continually went at him. Sweat poured down their faces. They screamed as the battle wore on. Then, with his defenses down, Morek's sword was swiped from his hand. The Guardian staggered back. Borious turned to face Casaris.

"Fight me Borious!" Morek shouted. His bow extended.

"That is brave of you," Borious commented. "But this is a battle for the both of you."

He advanced on Casaris as Morek fired a shot. Borious turned his hand toward the arrow and stopped it. It exploded in midair. Morek stood appalled. The emperor continued to move toward Casaris. Morek raised his bow to shoot again, but Borious threw it out of his hands. He then turned and attacked Casaris. Morek ran to his brother, weaponless. Borious turned to Morek to attack. Casaris tossed his sword, and Morek caught it, parrying Borious's attacks. Then, the emperor turned back to Casaris. Morek threw the sword to him. This process continued until the unthinkable happened.

The sword of the once mighty Emperor slipped into the one of the brothers as the other, with a mighty scream, swiped through Borious's neck.

Two bodies fell. One brother stood.

It was all over. It was all done.

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