Chapter Six: Invasion

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The group met in the hall where a map of the mainland was laid out on the central table. The Guardians had packed and loaded their things on the boats to depart. Morek quieted the room.

"Alright," he began. "When I flew over, I visited the Dwarf city of Nerngarohm. This is a fortress that, if taken, will show a strong force against The Empire. It will show that we mean to take Borious's forces down. So, my plan is this: invade the Dwarf Empire, take the outer cities if there are any left and get Dwarfs to fight with us, attack Nerngarohm and get the Dwarfs in Borious's army to turn against it, and take the city. Anyone got anything better?"

The Guardians shook their heads.

"Alright," Morek said. "To the mainland."

The Guardians flooded out of the hall to the boats. Morek left Casaris in charge of getting the Guardians to the mainland as he scouted out the outer parts of the Dwarf Empire on Nethel. Casaris wished his brother good luck and headed to the docks. Morek saddled his dragon and made the mind connection. He took off over the island, looking down on the first boat departing the island. He brought Nethel to a hover in the air, pulled an arrow out of the quiver on his back, extended his bow, and fired off a magic arrow. It exploded into beautiful colors over the water. Morek put the bow back on his waist and angled Nethel toward the mainland. He flew over, down past the coast, through the Northern Region, and over the Empire-Dwarf boarder. A few cities sat standing, quiet, not a Dwarf in sight. He flew back to the port where the Guardians were disembarking. Morek landed Nethel and climbed off his back. Casaris ran to him. 

"What are we looking at?" Casaris asked.

"Got a map?" Morek asked. Casaris pulled it out, and Morek began pointing. "These two are quiet, there is a possibility there are some hiding there. This city, Semerus, was flying an Imperial flag."

"Alright," Casaris said. "We can take those and then head to Nerngarohm. Will you fly slow?"

Morek nodded and told his brother goodbye. He mounted Nethel again and flew up, his brother shouting the Guardians commands. Morek flew above the marching Guardians until the crossed over the border where he landed. He removed his pack slung it over his shoulder before sending Nethel off to circle above them. The group approached the fortress outpost of Semerus and stopped in the woods outside. They hid their gear and unsheathed their weapons. Morek gave directions.

"Archers, provide fire from behind," he commanded. "Heavy weapons take on the front and swordsmen take the middle."

They gathered into formation. Although Morek had a bow, he had been working on using it in close combat due to its faster reload time. They gathered at the edge of the forest. The small city was surrounded by a wooden wall. Morek knocked one of the metal arrows and aimed it at the wall. He said a spell, enchanting the arrow. Morek released, the arrow flying into the wood and exploding. 

"Guardians!" he shouted. "Charge!"

They ran forth, the Dwarfs and human taking the lead into the hole. Imperial soldiers gave them resistance. The Guardians fired off spells and cut down the forces. Morek fired off several arrows in rapid succession. A guard ran at him Morek knocked the sword out of his hand, turned him around, placed his bow around his head, pulled back the string which formed an arrow through his head, killing him, and fired into another soldier running toward him. 

Morek spotted Casaris, cornered by a few soldiers. Morek collapsed his bow and ran at their backs. He cartwheeled, flipping over them. Morek extended his bow and fired five shots quickly into their heads, landing on his feet. 

Casaris looked at him, saying, "Show off."

"No problem," Morek responded with a grin. 

The brothers returned to assisting the Guardians. The bowmen ran in behind and began to accurately hit the soldiers. In the end, the battle was successful. The Guardians had lost none. Three surviving Dwarfs were found starving in the town prison. Two agreed to fight with them. The other did not want to stay in the city alone. Morek gave him supplies and directions to Aria Island where he would be safe. The Guardians slept there that night and then woke again the next morning.

They marched to the other two cities finding 10 more Dwarfs that offered to join them on their march to Nerngarohm. Morek and Casaris then led the group on their two-week hike up the Ekridge Mountains. They finally came to a place on the side of the Ekridge Mountain and camped, snow coming down. 

"The plan is to blow a hole in the side of the mountain," Morek said over the snow. "Point your weapons at the side and use the explosion spell we learned."

The group stepped back and aimed at the mountainside. 

"Ready!" Morek shouted. "Fire!"

The magic fired at the mountain, and a giant explosion followed. When the dust cleared, a hole opened to the cavernous inside of Nerngaohm. A staircase spiraled down to the base of the mountain where the city sat. Morek led the Guardians inside and down the stairs. Nethel followed after them. The city was silent until two guards exited the open city gates and screamed. They ran out toward the tunnel that led out of the city. The Guardians reached the city to find it empty. 

The city sat in shambles. The great palaces and temples had been looted. Morek thought back on the great celebrations held in the city, pain in his heart. A few Dwarfs lay dead, their corpses rotting. Morek held his nose at the stench. Morek led his brother to the prison, hoping, like the other city, they would find Dwarfs there. A dozen Dwarf women sat behind steel bars. They wore rags and were malnourished. 

"No more," they begged. "Please, no more."

"We are not guards," Casaris told them.

"We are the Guardians," Morek said. "We are your saviors."

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