Chapter 19: Brothers at Arms

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Morek and Casaris crept away from the camp, but Selma and Nomes ran after them.

"Go back," Morek commanded.

"With all due respect, no," Nomes said.

"Morek, you and Casaris cannot do this alone," Selma told them.

Morek looked to his older brother. Casaris nodded.

"Fine, but you will stay behind us," Morek said, anxiety in his voice.

They walked up the large stone steps to the partially opened gate of the capital city. Morek had visited Voriontu a few times over his life. He had seen it in war and peace, but it had never been in the condition it now stood. Buildings were cracked and crumbled. The streets were littered with debris. The smell crept up from the underground sewage system as if the operation of the waste had been abandoned. Bodies laid strewn about. It looked as though a disease had ripped through the tightly packed fortress city. They searched a few of the homes, somewhere bodies and skeletons, never moved, sat decaying. Food and water seemed scarce.

"What happened here?" Nomes asked in a whispered tone.

The city was built to go upward, with homes near the bottom, businesses in the middle, and the palace at the top. Between the residential and business areas was a large town square. Celebrations, meetings, festivals, and markets would usually happen there. Now, it was covered in armor and tents where the Imperials had been sleeping. The fountain in the middle of the square was off. It looked like it had been turned into a place of execution for those who disobeyed. Blood covered the round pedestals that water would have flowed down. It was a dark sight to behold.

A scraping noise began from the far side of the square as if someone was dragging a piece of metal against the cobblestone.

"Nomes, Selma, hide," Morek hissed as the sound got closer.

"We came to stand by your side," Selma said. "That is what we will do."

"I have a plan," Casaris told them.

A lone, black-clad, war-stricken man circled the fountain. His crude, black blade scraped the ground, leaving sparks in its wake. He whistled a tune as he continued on his path to stop the advancing Morek Alden. Inquisitor Atticus strolled to the other side of the fountain and found his path clear. He had heard the group whispering at the other side of the square. Atticus's whistling stopped. The air silenced. He pointed his sword at a tent and fired a bolt of red power into the open tent. It exploded into fire that shot into the air. When the smoke cleared, a man stood shielded by a blue orb. Before he could react, another bolt of green light came at him, followed by a blue blade. Atticus dodged the shot and blocked Selma's attack.

Morek emerged from his orb and ran, sword first, at the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor parried his blows, throwing Morek back twice. Selma came from his side and attempted to catch Atticus off guard, but he was a very good swordsman. The inquisitor finally threw both of them back. That was when Casaris charged forward from behind. Nomes fired another green blast from the front. The blast was deflected and fired back at Nomes who rolled into a tent. Inquisitor Atticus met Casaris's blade with a clang of metal that reverberated off the stone streets. Selma sprinted from behind the distracted Atticus and stabbed her blade through him. His body went limp as he fell to the ground, dead.

The group stood panting. Nomes climbed out of the tent and joined them.

"The fight is not yet won," Casaris said. "Keep moving."

They emerged from the town square and ascended the city toward the palace at the top. Sweat poured down their faces as the hot sun shone down on them. The businesses of Voriontu were empty and abandoned. All had been looted of their goods, shop windows broken and door tore off their hinges. Finally, the group ascended to the castle courtyard. Its greenery had gone brown and died without the attendance of a garden-keeper. The grass was all but gone underneath their feet. The palace of Borious stood quietly staring down at them, its might impressive to all that looked on it. A drawbridge stood as the last line of defense before entering the stone fortress. At the moment, it stood drawn, the wooden face pressed up against the castle. A gap stood between them and Borious. It opened up to the town square far below. If one were to fall from that height, they would surely die.

Suddenly, there was a click and the sound of gears moving as the drawbridge was lowered. The group held their weapons ready for an assault. With the drawbridge lowered, the great doors of the palace stood uninviting. A lock clicked as the large, wooden doors swung open to reveal one singular man. He was dressed in inquisitor garb, but there was something different about him. A cold darkness surrounded him.

"A Dark Lord," Morek whispered.

The figure cackled. He stepped out of the shadows. Unlike the others, he was also wrapped in a black cloak.

"Morek Alden, protector of the races or slayer of the Orcs, man of bravery or man of cowardice," he said. "Alive or dead."

He pulled two swords from sheaths on his back.

"I am Inquisitor Omen," he told them. "Welcome to my game."

He stabbed his swords into the ground. A red ring circled the courtyard. An orb grew up around them, trapping them in the courtyard.

"Here are my rules: You will not leave until you have killed me," Omen explained. "Or I kill you. Let us begin."

From out of nowhere, a blinding red light appeared. Morek heard a blast.

"Drop!" he exclaimed. "Move behind there!"

A form of a rock protruded from the ground. When the light faded out, it was only him, Selma, and Casaris behind the rock. When he looked around the rock, Nomes lay on the ground, not moving.

"Casaris, distract him. Selma, pull Nomes over her," Morek commanded. "I will go after Omen."

The group split. Morek almost ran right into the inquisitor. Omen swung at Morek, who blocked his blow. With Casaris's job gone, he ran to the assistance of his brother. Selma pulled Nomes behind the rock. The mix of Dark Lord and inquisitor made Omen very dangerous. Morek got a look at his blades. Both were red and were slowly growing brighter. He continued to parry the brothers' blows. Then, the blades grew bright red. Suddenly, the area exploded into blinding light. Morek pulled his brother back before Omen took advantage of the light. A few minutes later, the light began to fade. When they looked up, Omen stood right above them, evilly grinning.

Morek and his brother dodged as the blades came right where their heads had been. Morek rolled and came to his feet. Casaris was slowly he backed against the wall holding them inside. Morek ran to his aid. Selma at his side. They distracted Omen long enough for Casaris to come to his feet. Then, all three swung their blades with all their might. Omen began to tire and become sloppy. Then, all at once. all three blades cut through Omen. The Dark Lord came to a standstill. The thee pulled their blades from his body. It fell to the ground. The wall around them fell,  and Omen's blades became clear.

They ran to Nomes's side.

"He will be fine," Casaris said. "We just have to get him down to a doctor."

"Take him Selma," Morek commanded.

"But Morek, the mission-" she said. Morek silenced her.


She picked Nomes up and began the trek back to their camp. Morek and Casaris watched until they left their view. Morek approached the doors and blasted a bolt of blue at the lock. The doors swung open to the cold entrance of the emperor's home.

"This is it."

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