Chapter 13: The Glory of Two Victories

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Bharn Todir was a marvelous city. It was tucked in the center of the Todir Mountains, not far from the coast of the Dwarf Empire. The name was literally translated as "Between Todir."

Morek and Casaris camped outside of the city for two weeks, awaiting for the poison to kill of the population of the city. While Morek seemed upright in his actions, Casaris was guilty. He attempted to voice his options to his brother, but he was shut down very quickly. After the allotted time had passed, the army marched through the open gates of Bharn Todir. Dead bodies lay at the open gates, reaching out with one hand for the outside world and with the other around their throats. At first, the bodies were just human, but as they got farther in, Dwarf bodies began to appear, many of them. It looked as through the Imperials had been working them.

It finally hit Morek when he watched a Dwarf fall to the side of a woman. He cried out as he shook her limp body. A Dwarf Guardian came to his side and attempted to comfort him.

"Get off me!" he shouted. "You support that Race Slayer, and you support this!"

All eyes fell on Morek. He turned his head and carried on somberly through the city. Eventually, they came to find a decent amount of survivors. Around 70 sat in the prison. They had not been given water anyway, instead trying to drink the condensation on the walls. They were given water from the group's flasks. The Dwarfs of Morek's company were severely upset with him, but they were very happy to find a group alive.

With resources thin and the water poisoned, the Dwarfs made a decision to abandon Bharn Todir and make for Nerngarohm. Morek agreed to help them make for the rocky fortress. They left a day later, leaving the nightmare behind them.

This trip was not as easy as the others had been. The Dwarf Empire was known for its dangerous terrain and extremely high mountains. Not only that, snow began to fall when they left and did not stop until they reached Nerngarohm. Morek went ahead on Nethel, planning the group's route for each day. That was until the snow got so thick, Morek sent Nethel out to the coast to meet them in Nerngarohm. It got rough some days. Morek lost two Guardians over their month sojoun. Many at least got some form of frostbite.

Finally, they came down the road to the open gate to Nerngarohm. Morek's shivering group made their half day hike down the warm tunnel that led to the city. Upon their arrival, several women ran out of the city bearing weapons. Morek reassured them it was him and his people. They thanked him for returning. The Dwarfs got settled into their new capital.

The emperor was dead, and no royalt remained. The Dwarfs did something that history had never seen. They formed a council, calling it a republic. A group of elected Dwarfs would decide how their land would recover. They officially asked Morek and the Guardians for their assistance. Morek agreed and over a month, officially helped the Dwarfs officially make themselves the Republic of Free Dwarfs. The council formed a plan to conquer the rest of their land. Messages were sent to all the cities in the region. A revolution began. Dwarfs flocked to Nerngarohm. Many told stories of rising against their oppressors that were forcing them to fight for The Empire. For his help, those Dwarfs in Nerngarohm promised Morek assistance whenever he needed it.

One day, before they departed, a group of around 20 Dwarfs approached Morek. They looked old and worn, seeing battle.

"Morek Alden," said one. "I am Durfur Agnotock. These are a few of my friends: Durfur Arrowbrow, Durfur Seochan, Durfur Areoknock, and the list goes on. We are the Hergrun Warriors, followers of the bravery and heroics of Durgur Ironbrow, your friend."

Pain filled Morek's heart at the remembrance of his lost friend, but his interest was peaked.

"How can I help you fine gentleman?" Morek asked.

"We have pledged ourselves against all evil," Agnotock explained. "We want to assist in your fight against The Empire."

"I would love the extra help," Morek said.

They marched out of the city- Elfs, Dwarfs, and humans- into the unknown fight ahead. Morek, Casaris, Selma, and Agnotock led the army as Nethel flew overhead. The sun rose of Ekridge Mountain as the flags of two civilizations waved behind them. The flag of the Elf Empire now stood valiantly with its neighbor, the flag of the Dwarf Republic. It was a black flag, symbolizing the culture's ideals for bravery and hard work. It showed a hammer crossed over an axe.

So, they marched from the picturesque mountain down into the flat, fertile lands of the North Region of The Empire. They moved away from the coast, lining up with Harthwait. They marched passed the many independent farms, eventually reaching the ruined city. Rain had fallen the entire trip and continued to do so. The destroyed city reminded them of the power they were up against. They had entered the heart of beast and were preparing to destroy it with all the force they could muster. If they failed here, the war was over, and the planet would be dominated by an evil force.

Morek led the group to the only remaining structure in the city. He had not spotted it the first time he came through, but a small horse farm that sat out of town was still standing. Morek realized it was of friend of his, Simun's horse farm. His army took refuge from the torrential rain inside.

"It will be hard," Casaris told his brother. "But I believe we can win this."

"I do too," Morek said. "We just have to fight hard and fast. We can turn his armies against him. We do everything to destroy him."

Casaris nodded and said, "Before he destroys us."

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