Chapter 11: A Time to Rest

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Dawn broke over the glittering capital. The rising sun shone right into the throne room of the Palace. Overnight, they had searched the city for the Elves and were surprised to find a great number hidden in the network of tunnels that hid under the city. Around three thousand men, women, and children were recovered and returned to their homes. 

The royal family, along with a few others of high status, were found imprisoned, held by two guards that surrendered when they saw Morek and his group. The emperor, Ethelis Malesek, was killed by the head guard Morek had killed. It turns out that head guard was another of Borious's Inquisitors, like Inquisitor Alke that had taken Nerngarohm. When the royal family emerged, Prince Haseon Malesek was crowned emperor. A great coronation was held in the throne room at noon that day. Amidst the thrown over furniture, broken glass, torn tapestries, ripped ancient paintings, and muddy rug, a new beginning shone through. Haseon stood at the throne, brought into power by a priest of the Elven religion. The scepter, golden sword, and crown had been stolen from the Palace. Instead, the young prince stood with the sword and bow of his father. Instead of the crown being placed on his head, the priest anointed him with water from the deep aquifers from which the city got its water. 

The first thing Haseon did was formally thank Morek. A huge celebration was thrown, beginning right after the cleanup. The city was put back together as the multiple green spaces all over the city were decorated with everything from clothing tied together to metal utensils. The Imperial Palace was open to all and everyone, becoming the centerpiece of the celebration. From the tunnels, they brought up the precious delicacies they kept hidden as well as cooking materials. As the men cleaned up the city, the women baked. Pastries and cakes were baked. Preserves were added. Smoke began building up in the sky as fresh meat that was hunted by some of the Guardians began to cook over open fires. The Guardians, Dwarfs, and Orcs helped in any way possible. By nightfall, the city was spectacular. 

A light shined in every window. Dancing and singing began in every district. Amazing food was served all around the city. Atop the guard towers around the city, great fires were lit. The war-ridden city dazzled under the moon. Morek toured the city with his brother. Wine barrels lined the streets, allowing anyone to fill their flask. The usually uptight Elves rejoiced in dancing and singing. Shouts of joy rung out. Morek and Casaris came into one of the green spaces near the palace. The red flags of The Empire were being tossed into the fire. On a flag pole, the once defeated flag of the Elf Empire rose into the sky, the fire of burning Imperial flags lighting its features. 

Casaris dipped his flask into an open barrel, filling it. He drank some and offered it to his brother who accepted a drink.

"Do not drink too much of that," Morek warned. 

His brother laughed. "You were always the uptight one," he said. 

They laughed as an Elven women pulled Casaris away. He raised his flask, cheering as he was lead away. Morek shook his head. He continued up the steps to the Palace where the largest of the parties was happening. Bodies packed together in the large throne room. Food lined the tables of the Great Hall. Morek found Emperor Haseon at the head of the table, a wine glass in one hand and the cooked leg of an animal in the other. Morek approached him and bowed. 

"Morek!" exclaimed the young emperor. "Are you enjoying the celebration?"

"Of course, your majesty," Morek replied.

"Oh skip the formalities," he told the Guardian. "Come with me to a more quiet place."

He led Morek up the grand staircase to a balcony far above the city, closing the doors behind him, shutting out the party inside. 

"I want to personally thank you again," Haseon said. "Without you, we may have died in those tunnels."

"We are not done," Morek responded. "This is only the first step. There is rumor your port of Evemis was the launch platform of Borious's operation."


"The Dwarfs we encountered in Nerngarohm have told us Borious plans to travel across the sea to conquer another group of humans," Morek explained. "Your empire has the largest port in the world. I believe that is where he plans to send his soldiers to sail from."

"It is a shame what the emperor has turned himself into," commented Haseon. "I knew him as a boy. I strived to be better than my father, to be like the great Emperor Borious, a noble ruler and fighter."

"I did too. Borious has lost his ways, and he has lost this fight. We are going to win."

Morek placed his hand on Haseon's shoulder. Haseon nodded.

"Morek, I am dispatching my men that can fight to go against the remaining Imperial controlled territory of my empire," Haseon told him. "I know your fight remains northbound, but is there anything you can do to assist us?"

Morek promised him five Elf Guardians to lead his army. Haseon thanked him and bid him a prosperous journey. Morek returned to the streets, passing by a tavern where he saw Selma sitting alone. Morek could not resist the beautiful women and slipped through the open door. She sat at the long bar, distant from the others. Morek sat down next to her and got the attention of the bartender.

"Two of whatever is cheapest, please," Morek said.

Selma smiled. "I have never had a man offer me cheap alcohol before," she said.

"Never?" Morek asked.

"That is what happens when you are raised to be civilized," she replied. 

Morek had messed up. He tried to recover by offering her the most expensive drink they had. 

"Too late, savior of the world," she said with a grin. "You lost when you walked through the door."

They talked a while. Morek learned a little more of her long Guardian lineage, her ancestors having fought with Borious against the first war with the Orcs. Both her parents were protective. They died at the hands of The Empire, sending her to flee to live with her grandparents in Alluca City in the Southern Region of The Empire. They had failed to keep the secret of being Guardians. Borious had ordered the extermination of any more Guardians. When she heard of Aria Island, she attempted to flee, but her grandparents fell to illness. She stayed with them as they died, immediately going to Aria Island.

Morek told his story. Most of it she knew already from the widespread popularity of Morek's war against the Orcs. He told her about his story to the realm outside of theirs, and she believed him. Selma said she always believed someone or something had created them, and she believed the Eternity Beings Morek spoke of were it.

The evening began to come to a close. The tavern emptied out as the streets fell quiet.

"I really like you, Selma," Morek said. 

"I like you too, Morek," she replied. 

He leaned in to kiss her. Selma leaned back and grabbed his hand. 

"Thank you for the evening Morek," Selma said. "I must rest for the journey ahead."

She stood and left. Ashtenaken came into the tavern as she departed. 

"I believe you missed out on that one," he said. 

Morek frowned and scowled at him.

"Sorry," he said. "I have news. My army is departing from yours. We have decided to go west, sweeping across the south and reclaiming The Empire's south cities."

"I understand," Morek said. "Take a Guardian with you so they do not believe the Orcs are invading."

Ashtenaken nodded and thanked Morek. They said their parting words. As Morek and Selma drifted apart, the world was beginning to come back together. 

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