Chapter 17: Humans, Guardians, Elves, Dwarfs, and Orcs

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Morek was in severe pain, and he finally took the advice of the doctor. He received his own tent and slept on a cot instead of a table. For three days, the Guardian rested. As his strength was refreshed, so was the strength of his army. The Orclands sent forth several dozen Militia members. The emperor of the Elf Empire delivered close to 100 men from the army that had conquered their remaining land. The Dwarfs had been most affected by Borious's recruitment. When Nerngarohm got the request for troops, only seven arrived at the camp. Casaris arrived the evening of the third day, his forces weary from the final push southward. Selma went south herself with some of the army and helped the Orcs make their way to the base camp.

With the full force of the Alden Republic almost mobilized, Morek decided to take a short trip to Aria Island to retrieve some items to assist them. He told his brother goodbye and mounted Nethel. The Dragon ascended into the clouds and flew north. Grey clouds were beginning to form not far from their camp above the North Region. Morek estimated it would storm within the next day or two. The trip took him until noon before he reached the shores of the mainland, Aria Island on the horizon. He smiled at the place gifted to him by his former mentor and friend, Steris. That smile began to fade as he got closer. The once wooded forests of the island had become black smudges against the blue ocean. Morek angled his Dragon toward the charred grounds of the Guardian's home.

Nethel landed softly on the island, ashes flying into the air around the Dragon's large feet. Morek dismounted Nethel, observing the landscape of destruction. Now, both of his homes were gone, destroyed by Borious. He commanded Nethel to stay where he was. Morek walked forward along the path he would have taken to the Guardian training ground. The thick forests that once surrounded the clearing were all gone. Some blackened trees stretched into the sky like eerie skeletons. Morek came to the clearing. The Imperials had been ruthless, not even leaving one structure standing. The large dining hall had been reduced to its foundation. The tents that Morek's men had lived in had been gathered into the middle of the camp and burned. Along with them, the volumes of history and literature from the Guardian library had been destroyed.

Morek went to where the armaments had been kept. The weapons he had hoped to supply his army with were gone. Much of the armor was gone or burned. Morek screamed in anger and outrage. He began kicking the ash and ruins around him. The Guardian screamed until his lungs burned. Finally, his rant ended as he fell to the ground. Morek arose, covered in black smudges, sweat pouring down his face. He walked toward where his cabin had been. It too had fallen to only its foundation.

Morek climbed over the rubble and began digging, hoping something was left. After an hour of pulling through the blackened ruins, he fell back, defeated. Then, out of the corner of his eye, the light caught on something. Morek hurried over to it. Out of the rubble, he pulled out the two pieces of a sword.


He lifted the two pieces of Guardian inscribed blade into the air. Slowly, he joined them together. Then, there was light. The blade was joined together by mysterious forces of magic. Below him sat leather Guardian armor. Morek placed it on his body. A sheath was near the armor. He placed it on his side and sheathed the sword. Morek pulled out his bow, Dawnbringer. That was its name. The bow extended and began to glow blue, inscribed with the Guardian print. The blue then moved into his armor. Light began to carve into his staff as well. Morek's entire being began to glow with magic. Morek's energy was refreshed and his spirit was renewed. When he stopped glowing, he was clean and his wound was healed.

Nethel came to Morek's side as he mounted the beast. Morek flew into the air, a new sense of determination in him. As he swept southward, the dark cloud followed. Small drops of rain began to fall on the northern villages. Morek flew down into the center of his camp. He called on Selma, Casaris, Agnotock, General Ashtenaken, and General Feelias of the Elf Empire. 

"Gather your troops," Morek commanded. "In formation. We leave within the hour."

They all spread out. Bells began to ring and horns were blown. The beautiful pastels of the setting sun were beginning to be covered by the impending the storm. Morek had decided their army would march under the cover of darkness to the impending battle at the capital. An army of their size would easily be spotted during the day from far away. The armies followed Morek's command. They deconstructed the encampment and packed it away on horses and carts. Afterward, the army gathered in four squares on the open field. Toward the front stood the study Dwarfs, pikes and shields ready to hold back any forces that rose against them. Behind them stood the Orcs mixed with a few Elves and volunteer warriors. These ruthless warriors were using short swords to block any advance into the back squares. Further back were the rest of the humans and the Guardians who would fire magic into the advancing army, and when the Imperial forces broke through, as Morek was sure they would, the Guardians would race forward into the fight. In the back were the Elven archers and cavalry. The cavalry would cover the flanks, led by General Feelias, while the archers took over hitting the armies from afar when the Guardians moved in. Overall, Morek believed the plan would work, and they would be successful.

With all of them gathered in formation, Morek landed Nethel at the head of the army. He stood up on the back of the Dragon.

"Humans, Guardians, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs," he shouted. "We are here, not of ourselves, but for a greater purpose. Borious and his empire have enslaved our people for far too long. Now, every race that exists on this planet have decided his tyranny shall end. We are not people of war. We are people of peace. We are not people of death. We are people of life. We are people of The Empire. We are people of freedom." A roar went up from the army. "Today, we march on Voriontu for the Alden Republic, for the Dwarf Empire, for the Elf Empire, and for the Orclands!"

With the cry of war, the armies of all four lands marched to destroy the tyranny of one man.

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