Chapter 1

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Yuuri Katsuki turns the key to the nursery entering and turning on the lights. It felt too early to be at work, but in truth Yuuri didn't mind since he got to speak with Viktor. Viktor, the man who had to drop his son off early to avoid the press; the man who made these feelings arise within Yuuri, feelings he didn't know the name of. Sighing Yuuri took off his winter coat and shoes, leaving him in a blue long sleeve top and a pair of black skinny jeans. Yuuri then began completing his morning routine of turning on all the lights and making sure that the days activities were planned and set up. When that was over Yuuri looked at the clock wistfully, wondering if Viktor would be early today. They would usually end up talking for a little bit, their conversations always made him smile.

 As if reading Yuuri's mind Viktor Nikiforov waltzed through the door, black scarf loose around his neck, trench coat slightly damp from the rain and a mouth mask covering half of his face, but Yuuri could still see the smile and that's all that mattered to Viktor as he sauntered in, eyeing up Yuuri's slight figure. Viktor shifted Yurio who clutched at his coat but when Viktor whispered to the still sleepy child he shifted and wriggled in excitement to get to Yuuri. Viktor let out a small huff of a laugh and released the over eager child who then proceeded to launch himself at Yuuri's legs for a hug.

"Thank you Yuuri, you have no idea how much this helps me!" Viktor spoke kindly his voice jolly although laced with tiredness. Yuuri looked down at the small child and picking him up. Yurio instinctively wraps his arms around Yuuri's neck, snuggling into his shoulder. Yuuri blushed looking up at victor. "Don't worry about it, I'm glad to be able to help. How are you Viktor?" Viktor gave his award-winning smile back, hear a flutter in his chest as he replied:
"Overworked as usual but the sight of you and my Kitti is enough to revive me!" Yuuri Blushes and giggles, hiding his face in Yurio's hood. 

"It's not good to be overworked." Yuuri looks up and takes in Viktor's breath-taking appearance. Yuuri once more confused about his emotions and thoughts.On the other hand, Viktor took in the sight of Yurio hugging Yuuri's neck in a death vice grip. Sighing, he wished that Yurio was as well behaved as he was here at home with the babysitters, he was on his 9th one just this week most calling up after an hour saying they had found another to take their place, and when Viktor did reprimand him the child would just reply with a 'he's not Yuuri' and a pout. Therefore, he had to find out just who this Yuuri was. And God was he glad he did.

"I hope he'll be fine... I don't think I have any more babysitters... maybe I'll ask my manager if he can see about something?" Viktor sighed before focusing ice blue eyes on Yuuri.
"Unless you Yuuri could look after him?" Viktor rushed forward and clutched Yuuri's hands. Yuuri blushes at Viktor's touch, smiling.
"Of course, anytime, I love Yurio. He's always such a sweetheart." Yuuri looked curiously at Viktor then down at Yurio.
"Um Viktor just wondering, why are you having trouble finding a babysitter?" Yuuri blushes harder, just starring at their hands while looking in Viktor's eyes. Yurio becomes more awake starting playing with the tags on Yuuri's hoodie as usual.

Viktor chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
 "Well my little porosenok it seems that every single sitter seems to... err how to say it? 'get on Yuri's nerves' and they all quit after an hour at the least. It leaves me in quite a predicament, a studio is no place for a young child." Viktor laugh's it off and places his hands in his coat to stop himself grabbing Yuuris hands which are currently wrapped around Yurio. Yuuri smiles. 
"I don't understand. Why does he not like them? He always seems fine around me. Anyway, its still very early so why don't we go and sit in the kitchen. I could make you a quick drink and something to eat as I'm sure you haven't this eaten this morning or even plan to." Yuuri smiles gently at Viktor.

"That would be divine!" Viktor sing songs happily clapping his hands together and following Yuuri into the kitchen with Yuri still in Yuuri's arms. Viktor felt a warmth in his chest that left his whole body feeling warm and tingly as he took in the sight and soaked in the colours and smells.

"Well, it seems to be their cooking and so on, he's quite fussy," Viktor paused and yawned " but he'll eat my cooking, it's all Russian dishes though, but he does eat other things. I have no idea what they do to it but he won't touch it and he just pouts and sits in silence, or throws a tantrum, but when I'm home? Little angel." Viktor trailed off a laugh hanging on his lips.

"He is a complete angel when he is here too, usually just cuddles up to me and falls asleep until the afternoon. He completely ignores what he is meant to do but he doesn't cause any harm so we let it slide." Yuuri moves around the kitchen gracefully, managing to make the pancake batter while holding a sleeping Yurio in his arms.
 "So, Viktor want to try and flip a pancake?" Yuri says turning around to see Viktor staring at him and couldn't help but blush. Viktor smiled at the blush gracing Yuuri's cheeks knowing he caused it and stepped up to accept the challenge.
"Now I'm no Jamie Oliver you hear but Ill give it a shot?" Viktor joked as he took the pan from Yuuri to try and flip it. Viktor held his breath concentrating solely on the pancake only to hear Yurio clapping and with a delighted 'higher' and Yuuri with a soft smile. Viktor gave a toothy grin and once again focused on the pancake as he flipped it, this time almost losing it. Both Yuuri and the now awake Yurio dissolve into giggles at the concentration shown by Viktor. Yuuri looks at the giggling child and smiled, starting to play with Yurio's outstretched hand.
 "Now, if you could place the pancake on the plate before it falls. Then if you want you could have another go, both kitti and I are fine with it since we found your first attempt adorable." Yuri's face goes red.
 "I'm sorry, I just called you adorable, not that you're not but um...." Viktor laughed a hearty sound full of mirth.
 "It's fine little Porosenok, I'm glad to make both of you laugh so much, I missed things like this so much" Viktor laughs a sad taint to his icy eyes.
"But on a happier note shall we continue? So, little Kitti what do you want on top? Cream? Syrup? hmmm?" Viktor came closer and nosed Yuri on the stomach with his cold nose. Yuri squealed at the icy touch, wiggling in Yuuri's arms. Viktor straitened and came face to face with Yuuri. Yuuri couldn't contain his smile at Viktor being so relaxed. When Viktor's laugh reached his ears, he couldn't help but want to hear it again.
"Vik, I usually give Yurio golden syrup." Yuuri wants so much to just lean forward so that their lips would touch but he didn't have the courage. Instead he looked close at the beautiful eyes in front of him.

Viktor smiled, hiding his slight disappointment at having to part, but stood to his full height and continued making and serving up the pancakes as Yuuri set up the table, Yurio still clutching to him as Yuuri balanced him on his hip, juggling the child and cutlery. Viktor smiled softly at the sight before joining him at the table.
"So Yuuri about that baby siting job, would you be able to move in? I often get called out on the fly, so normally have a care taker or sitter live with me due to my hectic schedule. Viktor tilted his head, his silver hair moving with his actions as he waited for Yuuri's response. Yuuri looks up from setting the table.
"Seriously? I mean of course any way I can help I will. I just don't want to be a burden on your busy schedule." Yuuri sits down across from Viktor, smiling at him.
"I will on one condition.... I get to cook for you every now and then. I make a pretty good katsudon."

Yuuri starts cutting up Yurio's food and feeding him like he usually does causing Yurio to giggle and attempt to get closer than he already is to Yuuri. Viktor stares, his chin resting on his left hand as his right is poised with the fork halfway to his mouth, a slice of pancake hanging off the fork. So, this was what peace and contentment felt like Viktor mused, eyes glittering with emotion. Yuuri starts giggling with Yurio, without realising speaks aloud.
 "I wonder why he calls you kitti?" Yuuri smiles fondly at Yurio causing the little one to smile back and clap his hands.
"Hey, Vik um were you serious about me moving in to look after Yurio?" Viktor blinked and swallowed his mouthful of pancake.

"Yes, of course." Viktor smiles again and reaches over and brushes back Yuri's hair making the child squirm in his seat next to Yuuri.

Yuuri looked up at the clock and pouted.
 "Um Vik, I think you need to go to work now, it's 6:30. But message me with details and if you need someone to babysit." Yuuri gets up and jots down his personal cell number.
"Here, you go." Then hands Viktor the paper.
"You can move in any time, the sooner the better!" Viktor laughs softly, but the comfortable silence doesn't last long before a harsh beeping sound pierces through their bubble of happiness. Viktor looks at his phone.
 "It's my manager, I'll have to go." Viktor shoves the rest of the Pancake in his mouth before standing up and putting the dishes away, he pats Yuri on the head making the child look up to him with a pout on his pancake smeared face, Viktor lets out a small chuckle and pushes his hair back and kisses his forehead, before pulling his mask over his mouth and walking out of the nursery and into a fancy car waiting for him.

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