Chapter 17

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A thousand flashing lights like dying stars blinked to life and just as sudden disappeared, only to be taken over by more desperate blinking lights, Yuuri blinked his eyes, the after flash like looking at the sun, the glare a fading colour on the dark back drop of closed eye lids. Yuuri hugged Yurio closer pulling his cat ear hoodie to cover his face, he remembered how Viktor felt about the press knowing about him and Yurio. Speakers were shoved roughly and without care in Yuuri's direction and he looked at Phichit for help, his steady gaze one of the only things that kept him from turning tail and fleeing, Yurio still in arms. Yuuri gulped at looked at the foreboding building, all clean and crisp lines, dark figures and flashing stars the only thing that gathered within sights. Yuuri trudged forward clutching Yurio close to himself as he waded through the sea of reporters only worried about a scoop.

As he walked through a small stout man looked up and smiled with gravestone like teeth as he fired rapid questions at him like a war machine, one of them captured his attention:
"Are you Viktor Nikiforov's new play thing?" Yuuri's breath caught in his throat and he felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes, he shrugged the man of and tried to continue forward, but the short man parted the carousel sea like Moses and waded after him. Phichit wasn't far behind and placed a hand on the small of Yuuri's back as he leaned in close and whispered that he would deal with this after all it was an important day, for all of them. Yuuri smiled tightly as if he were a rubber band stretched too far, before turning back and walking straight to the desk and signing them in before marching solemnly up to the cold room of Viktor's, leaving Phichit to calm down the circus outside.

It was meant to be a happy and relaxing day not a frustrating and distressing. Yuuri looked down at Yurio in his arms who was clutching onto his coat jacket. Yurio had demanded that he wore his tiger onesie with the hood up, which Yuuri was glad for as it meant any pictures taken wouldn't show Yurio's face. Viktor never wanted Yurio to have to deal with those vultures and Yuuri wasn't going to let the get near him now that Viktor was hurt. Walking over to the bed Yuuri sat down on the side, smiling softly as Yurio instantly let go of him to lie down on Viktor's chest. Yurio placed his head directly over Viktor's heartbeat and relaxed listening to it. Yuuri looked at Viktor's face, subconsciously grabbing his hand and rubbing the back of his hand. 

"Hey, Vitya. I miss you so much, I need you. Yurio needs you. I love you so much Vitya. I hope you wake up soon so I can tell exactly how much you mean to me." Yuuri leaned forward and kissed Viktors cheek. Sitting back up tears fell down Yuuri's face, blinking away the tears Yuuri felt small hands wiping his cheeks and then wrapping around his neck. 

"Daddy, will papa wake up soon?" Yuuri laughed and smiled at Yurio's words.

"Of course he will, papa is going to wake up real soon. He just needs some more rest, because he is super tired." Yuuri leaned down and kissed Yurio on the forehead before letting him lie back down on Viktor's chest. Yuuri jumped when Phichit spoke behind him. 

"You're amazing with him Yuuri, Viktor will be glad you were the one to look after Yurio. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry about outside, that guy was just a pompous jackass. Didn't know what he was talking about. I'll be off now, just keep your head up Yuuri. He'll get better soon." Yuuri just nodded at him before turning back to Yurio and Viktor. Even if Viktor wasn't awake they would be celebrating Yurio's birthday together as a family.


Yuuri smiles through watery eyes, water like crystals hugged long dark lashes as he looked up at Phichit. He swallowed through his dry mouth, his throat like sandpaper. Yuuri looked through blurry eyes around him seeing the pristine walls and white sheets that gave Viktor not that of a glowing feeling but more of an ashen look as if he was just mere ash from a fire that burned as bright as the sun. Yuuri swallowed once again; he thought to the future to where he'd have to tell Yurio that his father wouldn't be coming home, telling him why they were putting his father into the cold ground where worms would feed as time would rot away his soft skin and time would take away silver locks and icy eyes. An Icy grip took hold of Yuuri and he swallowed thickly as he pulled Yurio closer.

"Would you like me to leave so you have a moment alone?" Phichit asked gently, a warm grounding hand rested tenderly as it gave a small squeeze bringing Yuuri back from his brink of spiraling despair. Yuuri nodded, but stayed quiet, afraid that he would start crying if he spoke. Phichit left the soft click of the door the only indication of him leaving Yuuri sighed and looked at Viktor, his hand coming up to cup soft cheeks still warm with Life. Yuuri swallowed, hoping he could swallow his tears as well as he spoke, voice choked with emotion as it came spilling out like a water fall.

"Viktor... I want to wish you a happy Birthday, but I can't because... Because..." Yuuri trailed off his hand withdrawn as he looked at the blank face of Viktor. Yuuri clutched Yurio like a life line closer to him as if letting him go would be setting himself adrift in a lonesome ocean. Yuuri swallowed before continuing:
"Because this is the last time I will... I'll ever get to feel your warmth. I don't know what I'll do Viktor please, please wake up! I- I don't want you to go, please open your eyes! Don't let them pull the plug! Don't let them take you away from me. Yuuri broke down, no longer able to speak. His eyes blurred with the tears that streamed down his cheeks. Through the pain emanating from his heart he held Yurio closer, nodding at the doctor about to pull the plug before hiding his face in Phichit's shoulder. Yurio squirmed in Yuuri's arms jumping onto the bed and clutching at Viktor's arm, sobbing into his chest.

Yuuri wiped his eyes, moving away from the comfort provided by Phichit. He lifts Yurio's head from Viktor's chest, lowering himself to eye level.

" Yurio, I need you to let your daddy go. Its going to be okay sweetheart." Yuuri gently wrapped his arms around Yurio pulling him away from Viktor and hiding Yurio's face in his shoulder as the doctors press the buttons to turn off the machines holding Viktor to earth. As the sound of his heart beat grows weaker, Yuuri flinches feeling as with each passing second the world around him is cracking, breaking, smashing more and more around them.

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