Chapter 16

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He couldn't remember how he got here the darkness enveloping him stiffly like a cold blanket. He had to get back who? Yuuri...A name floating with no face a name that starts to fade. He remembers soft brown hair and green eyes... Aya, she was pregnant with their son, they still hadn't decided what to call him. Viktor felt a sharp and sudden pain ricochet through his body one of flying sparks and urgency. He needed to wake up, but the feeling of forgetting something bugged him. What was it again? Yu... Y...? He could no longer recall, the darkness calling for his conscious again, but through this chilly darkness that covered his world in silence like snow, there was warmth at his side, love at his side. Viktor's features softened and he was lulled back to sleep the darkness swallowing him again.

Yuuri felt safe and warm, surrounded by a smell that comforted him. In a half-asleep daze Yuuri smiled snuggling into the comforting warmth, for a moment he felt as if nothing was wrong that somehow Viktor was currently holding him. Yuuri woke up slowly from his dream-state disappointment and sadness crashing into him like violent waves in an icy sea, making him whimper and curl up tighter into what he now knew to be Viktor's sheets and jumper. Yuuri let out a sob and could feel the tears that streamed down his face, he needed Viktor. He needed to be able to tell Viktor how much he meant to him and that how sorry he was knowing that he had placed both Viktor and Yurio in danger.

That it was all his fault.... what-if he had never talked to Viktor. If he had just treated him like a normal parent. What-if he had encouraged Yurio to go play with other kids more instead of allowing him to become so close, to become a target. What would happen if he left right now? If he walked away from Viktor and Yurio? Even just thinking it made his heart clench, no he couldn't leave them. He loved Viktor too much to even truly contemplate it. Yuuri let another whimper out as he remembered how the truth surrounding their feelings came out. He wished so badly that he could change that, he had wanted to tell Viktor but not like that. Yuuri wanted to look into those beautiful eyes and tell him not over the phone at gun point. His head spun, his emotions crashing around him, He felt broken. Amidst his breakdown Yuuri felt someone pull him to their chest and gently rub his back. He didn't know who it was and even after Richard he didn't care. He felt safe in their arms.

Phichit looked down at Yuuri who still wasn't calming down, he had an idea of how close Yuuri and Viktor were but knew nothing had happened yet. From his past experiences with Viktor he could tell when someone was letting what-ifs run rampant and blaming themselves for something they couldn't have avoided or changed. Still he was stumped at how to handle the inconsolable Yuuri and trapped in his mind thinking of solutions Phichit missed Yurio stumbling into the room and climbing on the bed. Yuuri was surprised to feel two small hands on his arm, Yuuri moved out of Phichit's arms to see Yurio staring wide-eyed at him. Before even blinking Yurio was in his arms clinging to him, Yuuri reacted without thinking and pulled him closer. This calmed him slightly knowing that Yurio was safe, that any damaged that he might have caused didn't affect the strong-willed child. He held Yurio closer, the tears had stopped falling, the thoughts that were making him spiral faded into the background. He relaxed into Yurio's tight embrace, Yuuri kissed the top of Yurio's head.

Phitchit smiled relaxing, watching the two together each being strong for the other. However, he was still worried about Yuuri, they hadn't known each other long but Phichit felt Yuuri was already a massive part of his life because Yuuri had done what he thought was impossible. He had gotten Viktor to smile again. Phichit chuckled softly as he watches Yuuri lie down with Yurio both holding onto the other tightly as if scared to let go. He was still worried but the sight in front of him showed him that Yuuri still had a reason to smile, to continue living. He got up silently as to not disturb the two currently curled together falling asleep. After spending the night cleaning the apartment it certainly looked better than before, there was no blood on the floor or the walls. All broken wood was cleared away in a skip and now the fresh paint on the walls was drying. Phichit relaxed slightly before remembering that today he had the press conference to talk about how Viktor was hurt, he would have to ensure that Yuuri and Yurio were not watching the TV. Maybe he could suggest to them that they visit the hospital, get them out of the house away from the news reports.

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