Chapter 14

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"You're awake, now the fun can start." Richard sneered at Yuuri. Yurio lay on the ground not far from Yuuri, only his chest moving up and down slightly told Yuuri that he was still alive. Grunting from the movement Yuuri tried reaching for him only to have his wrist stood on. He yelped in pain, as Richard sneered at him.

"Ah ah ah" Richard wagged his finger from side to side.
"Not so fast, If you want him to stay breathing just do as I say. All you have to do for me is scream and scream as loudly as you can." Richard punctuated each word with a kick causing Yuuri to break apart more and more. His voice struggling to be contained, with the last kick Yuuri broke apart screaming loudly as he felt tears fall faster and faster down his face.

Yuuri's scream was cut off as he started to cough, a deep ruby red liquid splattering on the floor. Richard reached down to stoke Yuuri's face. Richard yanked Yuuri up before speaking.
"I will have you, You will be mine forever." Richard whispered into Yuuri's ear before dropping Yuuri on back. His scream had woken up the stirring Yurio, who started to cry interrupted Richard's next move. Richard turned sharply towards the crying toddler, moving swiftly towards Yurio he pulled out a sleek black pistol, his eyes glinting dangerously. Yuuri winced as he moved in his path to Yurio.
"Stop." Yuuri yelled. "Just stop, you can do anything to me, whatever you want but you cannot harm him. Just don't hurt him." Yuuri begged, coughing more blood onto the floor. Richard grinned as if he had won the lottery. He laughed harshly before correcting his aim and pulling the trigger. Yuuri once more screamed aloud the sound echoing the room.

Viktor swallowed, his breathing heavy as he stopped in front of the door, his hand hovering fearfully above the door handle as Viktor felt his throat dry out, he swallowed but it felt like he had swallowed needles. He blinked away tears as his eyes watered, the biting wind whipped at his uncovered face, his cheeks and the tips of his ears cherry red. Viktor stopped breathing, all sound stopped except for the loud drumming of his heart in his ears, a thumping that he felt throughout his body, pulsing with adrenaline. A loud resounding scream sent his hearing off in a high-pitched wail, the sound although having stopped echoed and bounced in his head hurting his ears, without thinking Viktor slammed open the door only to be met with the sight of utter horror, a dream he would wish, but a reality he would never remember in the woken realm.

Viktor's face paled at the sight of a sleek gun pointed at Yuuri, his face a frozen picture of fear. Viktor moved before he thought and before he knew it he was tackling the ghost of a man to the floor, their bodies hitting cold hard concrete and jarring both Viktor and the sickly man beneath him. Viktor grit his teeth as the wispy man grappled with him for the gun. Viktor felt his pulse quicken and grit his teeth, blue eyes wide and ferocious as his face turned into a sneer something inhuman to match his foe, something to match the inhuman amount of rage he felt at seeing this man point a gun at a weak and sickly looking Yuuri. Viktor and the bug eyed man grappled on the floor, only their grunts and huffs accompanying Viktor's blood gushing loudly through veins as adrenaline pumped and egged him on; to be vicious, to be victorious. Viktor huffed and groaned feeling his joints and bones creak at the onslaught of power and resistance met against his own strength. Before he knew it Viktor was on the floor on his back, the cold concrete seeping through his cloths. The man put his face close to Viktor and Viktor turned his head slightly from the smell, silver locks splayed wildly around his head as his chest heaved at the weight pushing against him, eyes a ice cold fury. The man let out a hacking cough.

"Sooo cute, the big strong boyfriend comes in to save the day and take the damsel in distress back. Oh, how I tremble!" The man laughs again, mocking joyfully, eyes with madness in flames. "Sorry to disappoint, but you're not going to have your 'happy ending' I'll make sure of that" The man brings his grotesque face closer to Viktor's and gives a toothy grin, his teeth like worn grave stones and breath like rancid flesh.
"You're all going to die and I'm going to make you watch me hurt your little Yuuri" The man laughed short and mad, his mouth an open wound. Viktor saw red and with his right hand went to grab the gun the man had hold of loosely as he mocked and taunted. The two men grappled for it once again before a final bang went off.

Yuuri flinched pushing Yurio away quickly as the gunshot rang out, except Yuuri felt no added pain. He didn't feel any impact from a bullet. Yuuri saw a flash of movement a figure running towards Richard and knocking him to the ground. He could hear a fight commence. Yuuri winced trying to move but managed to somewhat quickly grab Yurio placing him away from the fight. Wrapping his arms around the terrified boy, hiding him in his arms. Yuuri couldn't help but whimper in pain as Yurio wrapped his tightly around him. Richard started talking, the words shocking him...boyfriend...death...Viktor - Yuuri turned around to face the fight seeing Viktor fall backwards as the gun shot rang out.

Viktor felt the bite of the bullet tear though his side, warm sticky blood soaking through his shirt. Viktor staggered, but stayed standing. He wasn't going to die like this, not in front of his Yuuri and his sweet little Yurio. Viktor gritted his teeth, he could taste blood. He spat out a mouthful of blood before wiping his mouth on his coat sleeve. He was going to win, he had done the impossible and he would do it again. Viktor grunted and icy eyes met the bulging eyes of the man. Viktor yelled and ran at the man his right hand forming a fist and the crunch of bone giving away and the tear of flesh let Viktor know that he had hit home. Black dots like waltzing couples floated across his vision, but like a terrier he was relentless. His vision swam and his breath was laboured and quick. He went to deliver another punch but felt hands grip him around the waist and a hand on his bloodied fist, now more of a bloodied bruise then a hand. Yuuri had grabbed Viktors hand stopping him from pounding on Richard more. His whole body hurt but he couldn't let Viktor keep pounding on Richard, he couldn't let Viktor become a killer. Yuuri watched as Viktor's breathing slowed and became more relaxed.

Yuuri turned Viktor to face him, still holding his hand. As much as it hurt for him to move Yuuri didn't care as long as the man he loved didn't become a killer. He legs felt weak beneath him so he lowered both himself and Viktor to the ground. Yurio ran over to them wrapping his little arms around their waists. Pulling Viktor close Yuuri could feel the blood from Viktors wounds or maybe it was from his own wounds. He couldn't really tell but what he knew was what the edges of his vision going black meant. he had experienced it enough with his panic attacks. Yuuri's eyes started to feel heavy but he knew he couldnt pass out just yet. Only he wasn't the only one whose eyes were closing and opening slowly. Mumbling his mouth close to Viktor's ear.
"Vitya, Vitya please. Don't leave me."

Shouts of police and dogs barking could be heard as the door was wrenched open. There were multiple footsteps around them as Yuuri felt arms separate him, Viktor and Yurio. Someone helped him stand up, but the pain made him yell out. Collapsing to the ground coughing up more blood as the darkness overtook his mind. In the back of his mind he could hear Yurio shouting for him to wake up.

Yurio's green eyes widened in fear, His Papa and Yuuri had fainted and strange men had taken them away, but a woman with pity playing at the corner of her eyes stooped down to his level, her mouth moved but Yurio didn't hear, he was hyper-focused on the disappearing figures of his Papa and Yuuri. Their bodies slowly disappearing into the open maws of waiting hands grabbing down on them. Yurio felt panic swell and coil in the bottom of his heart. Yurio's small hands reached out, his normally sower expression melting, cheeks red, nose running, tears streaming. Yurio had never felt this scared, all he wanted was his Papa to hold him tight and tell him it would be alright, like he would do when terrors that chased him to consciousness, left him trembling and breaths coming in shudders, but he was disappearing, his body being swallowed head first down the gullet of the gaping dark hole.

He wanted his Papa, he wanted Yuuri, he didn't want this strange woman who kept telling him like a mantra that it would be alright, because it wouldn't be. His Papa and Yuuri had disappeared now and the loud grumbling could be heard as they were carried away. The woman put a hand on Yurio's shoulder, but Yurio saw clawed reaching hands and flinched back, he didn't know her, she wasn't his Papa or Yuuri. She wasn't safe. Yurio went to run after the trembling silhouettes in the sweeping dark, flurries of white a disturbance, a needle like reminder that this wasn't like Yurio's dreams and he wouldn't wake up from this. The woman easily caught up and picked Yurio up. Yurio's tiny arms and legs flailed wildly, a scared animal trying to escape, but the woman, relentless held on and dragged a trembling Yurio into a car.

Yurio whimpered and scooted as far as he could away from her, child lock preventing him from unlocking the car and trying to run. The woman spoke in a calm hushed tone, an enchantress speaking soothing lies, a snake hypnotizing a lost child. Yurio stared wide eyed, wary of deception, of truth that could lie in her lies. Yurio gulped air greedily as he tried to listen, to pick it out. Hospital. Carer? Relatives? Yurio sat motionless, eyes still wide and tears trickling down reddened cheeks. He looked outside the widow away from the stranger as he watched a morose dance of dying dancers flitter and flip away and down his chilled window.

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