Chapter 3

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Yurio glared at the other Children, this was his Yuuri, the one who made pancakes for him and his Papa. Yuri pulled at Yuuri's leg and pouted making grabby hands at Yuuri. The raven-haired man smiled and ruffled the child's hair before picking him up. Yurio nuzzled into the crook of Yuuri's Shoulder and clung to him like a koala, but the other children were also needy, not allowing Yurio to spend as much of his time as he would have liked with Yuuri.

He wished Yuuri could go home with him, it was lonely, the baby sitters hated him and ignored him and he hardly ever saw his Papa, the person he saw most was Yuuri, but he still missed his Papa and wished they could be one big happy family. Yurio looked around at the colourful walls decorated with children's colouring and crudely drawn pictures that would make any parents heart melt. Yuri analysed the other children around him, Minami was loud and annoying and the other children were almost as bad the only one he really got on with was Otabeck, but he was off ill today. Yurio sulked. He sat on the table as he waited for his Papa to come pick him up, or some stranger, but to his surprise and delight as soon as Yuuri was done with locking up and changing out of the apron he took Yurio's smaller hand in his and walked out with him.

"Today, I'll be looking after you." Yuuri's voice was warm and made the younger Yuri feel safe and protected. It was dark outside as winter was pulling in and the sky was overcast with heavy clouds that began to spew snow as they both walked to Yurio's and Viktor's apartment.

Using the key that Phichit had dropped off earlier, both Yuuri and Yurio enter the beautiful apartment. Yuuri was astounded by the warm and cozy feel from the house. After removing their shoes and coats, Yuuri placed Yurio down for a quick nap while he went exploring and sorted out food for dinner. While looking around Yuuri notices the black grand piano, it looks majestic and Yuuri's hands inched to play it. But he walked away to the kitchen, starting to make some katsudon.

After the food is all prepared Yuuri fetched a now awake Yurio and started playing with him, mostly making Lego buildings and drawing a few pictures. Most of Yurio's pictures were of two males holding hands with a small boy, almost identical same as his painting earlier. Yurio looked at the laughing Yuuri. He then looked at the Piano, it had a small layer of dust, never being touched after the death of his mother. He had a vague recollection of her, long flowing hair, and warm chocolate eyes, the same as Yuuri's, delicate hands that were soft and not callused like his Papa's. Hands that when they held him made him feel safe. Like Yuuri's. Yurio sniffed feeling the tears coming on, but he didn't want to be weak in front of Yuuri, he wanted to be a strong big boy that Yuuri would be proud of. A big boy that could make his Papa and Yuuri happy. He wasn't lonely, even when those strangers came into the house or stayed in the spare room, they didn't care, so Yurio didn't care for them... but, but Yuuri was different, he cared for him and his Papa and not just because of his Papa's fame or job.

Yurio didn't want to lose Yuuri like he had lost his mother and almost lost his Papa as he drank himself away or never slept. Yurio was scared. Yuuri notices the tears forming in Yurio's eyes and picked up Yurio trying to soothe him.
"Shh, shhhh it's okay baby. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. It's going to be okay." Yuuri had watched Yurio staring at the piano and found himself walking over there and sitting down.

Opening the lid of the keys gently as not to damage it, Yuuri places Yurio on the seat next to him and starts playing a lullaby he learned as a kid. One that his mother had taught him before she had passed away. Yuuri moved from song to song feeling peaceful and happy at the piano. Better than he had felt in a very long time, his hands fumbled over a few notes remembering for a moment why he stopped playing but it seemed to be calming Yurio and that was all that mattered. After a while Yuuri's stomach rumbled, so getting up and picking up Yurio he placing him at the table and started getting the food. After Yuuri fed both Yurio and himself, he took the sleepy child back to the piano and started playing again. This time Yuuri was more at home playing random pieces from Mozart to lullabies. This time he allowed himself to get lost in the feeling and the pianos tones.

Yurio sat lulled at the harmonious sound, the piano was slightly out of tune but it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard and Yuuri hummed softly under his breath. It was warm. It was brighter. Is this what true happiness feels like? If it was he never wanted Yuuri to go he wanted him to move in and make him and his Papa happy as well, he wanted his Papa to be as happy as he was this morning with Yuuri all the time. Yurio felt his eyes lull before he remembered that his Papa would be on T.V.
"PAPA!" Yurio scrambled down from the Piano stool and turned on the T.V finding the right channel and plopping himself right in front of the T.V.

Yurio jumping up startled Yuuri out of his piano playing induced daze and he too got up and went to join Yurio, however he closed the lid on the piano - Making a mental note to tune it later. Yuuri sat down on the sofa in front of the TV just as Viktor comes on the screen. He smiles as Yurio cuddles into his side. Viktor's voice making him smile and wish he was here.

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