Chapter 6

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Viktor smiled and laughed slightly, out of all the clothes Yuuri could have picked, he'd picked the ones that Viktor had worn in his late teens before he had his growth spurt where he filled out and grew to 5'11. Viktor hummed and rubbed Yurio's back as the 4-year-old started to shift around and mumble in his sleep. Viktor relented when he heard Yuuri shifting around in the Kitchen and the enticing smell of what he presumed to be bacon wafted up the stairs.

Viktor could get used to having someone around who knew how to cook. He sat up, Yurio still clinging to him like a star fish as he pushed off the covers and shifted so that he could carry Yurio to his room to dress the child before he would start to wake up from all the jostling. Yurio asleep was a lot easier to dress than the usual awake and very grumpy Yurio. After getting Yurio dressed the still drowsy child reached towards Viktor to be picked up, Viktor being a softie picked him up and walked down into the kitchen still just his pajama bottoms.

"Hey Yuuri! Whats for breakfast~?" Viktor asked hefting up Yurio who had started to fall back to sleep. Yuuri had just finished plating up the food when he heard Viktor's voice. He looked up to see a very sleepy Yurio and a very shirtless Viktor.

Yuuri blushed looking down at the food.
"Hey, Vik. I thought that I would make some breakfast for you guys. It's a traditional English breakfast." Yuuri looked up and smiled at Viktor, happy about his cooking.
"Um Viktor...never mind." Yuuri placed the dish on place-mats in front of the Viktor's seat. Viktor quirked a brow. Yuuri ran a hand through his hair and gently bounced his leg up and down looking down at his honey infused coffee.

"No please Yuuri don't feel like you have to hold back." Viktor tried to sooth, Yurio now a bit more awake due to the smell of breakfast.

"I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed looking after Yurio last night, it was really fun. You wouldn't think so after looking after kids all day but at work it isn't relaxed. You must know where each child is each second and have some way to keep them entertained. So, if you need me to babysit again, then I will anytime." Yuuri smiled brightly at Viktor, his eyes shining.

"I also haven't played the piano in quite a while, so that was fun. We have one at work but I didn't want to play after...that doesn't matter. I'm rambling." Yuuri sits down and starts eating the food to avoid embarrassing himself.

Viktor hums, a curious look on his face. Yurio wiggles in his arms now fully awake and hungry so Viktor places him in his chair before pushing it in so Yurio was close to the table, therefore closer to his plate of food. Viktor sat next to Yurio who was opposite to Yuuri to keep an eye on the 4-year-old.
"I could never get bored of what you say." Viktor smiles as he cuts up Yurio's dinner, before turning to his own and shovelling it into his mouth as he eyed up the clock on the wall behind Yuuri's head.

"I'm sure you would besides most of what I talk about is the kids at school. Thanks for the clothing, to be honest I'm surprised they fit with you being taller than me." Yuuri's phone started to ring so he excused himself and went to the hallway to answer it. Viktor could hear Yuuri tapping his foot in the hallway noticing that he always did that when nervous. After the phone call ended, Yuuri abruptly left saying there was a problem at work. The phone call upset Yuuri to the point where tears streamed down his face as he walked to the nursery. His breathing grew heavy as a panic attack over-took him. Quickly he opened the door to his work place as he closed it behind him, he slid down it and started sobbing. There were a couple of hours before kids would be dropped off so he just lay on the floor crying.

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