Chapter 7

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Trigger Warnings!

Panic attacks and Mentions of Violence


Viktor watched Yuuri leave, he was worried. Viktor hurried Yurio who had stopped eating to watch Yuuri leave quickly. Viktor ushered Yurio into the bathroom to brush his teeth while he took a quick shower and got dressed. While in the shower Viktor couldn't stop the memories from flooding back. The worry on Yuuri's face brought back memories of his late wife. Just before she had died. Viktor paused, he couldn't keep being hung up on her. He chuckled comparing Yuuri to his late wife, what was wrong with him? Viktor hurriedly dressed himself in a grey woollen shirt and tight skinny jeans before he whisked Yurio down the stairs and put on his warm blue coat and his little scarf with the tiger prints, before putting on his black trench coat - one you would see businessmen in - and loosely put on a black scarf before toeing on his black shoes and grabbing Yurio's little tiger print trainers and running out the door after Yuuri.

Viktor arrived at the nursery out of breath and flushed. Yurio wiggled trying to get down.
"Yuuri." Yurio wiggled and tried to get down.

"Yurio you are Papas big boy? Right? Can you wait in the lobby for Papa and Yuuri?" Viktor had put the child down and held his shoulders in his big hands and looked the little boy in his green eyes. Yurio pouted and repeated 'Yuuri', Viktor frowned and tied again, but was interrupted by Yurio again. Viktor found himself losing his patients quickly.

"Dammit Yuri Nikiforov do as I ask; do you understand me?" Viktor shook Yurio who had gone silent. The silence between the two stretched on as Viktor realised with horror that he had snapped at Yurio. Like he had snapped at his wife on that night.
"Yurio-" Yurio ripped himself from Viktor's grasp eyes glistening with unshed tears, Viktor reached out his blue eyes glistening with regret. Yurio stepped back and stood sullenly in the lobby. Viktor tried again.

"Yurio I-" Viktor stumbled over his words.
"It's fine Papa." Yurio stayed and looked at the carpeted ground. Viktor let his out stretched hand fall and his normally smiling mouth drew into a thin line. Viktor stood up and went to ruffle Yurio's hair when Yurio flinched. Viktor drew back a flash of hurt flittering through his eyes. He took a breath and went to find Yuuri, pulling back on his mask to make it look like everything was all right.

Yuuri lay on the floor, his breathing harsher than before. He felt as if his world was crumbling down, he kept trying to grab onto something solid but as his fingers grazed the surface it would dissolve into nothing. Leaving him falling further and further down this dark rabbit hole.

It was like clarity struck him as he could hear a familiar voice outside the door. His sobs grew louder as his heart tore into pieces. All Yuuri wanted was someone to tell him it would be all right, that nobody would hurt him every again. Yuuri was exhausted from the running and the panic attack that was making his breathing harder and harder. Yuuri breathed out a mumbled cry for help. His voice sounded weak and small as if a single movement would destroy it. "Viktor." Yuuri's sobs grew quieter as if the young adult had lost the strength to cry.
"Please, Viktor. Help me."

Viktor heard a mumbled word, Yuuri's voice. It had sounded like his name but he couldn't be sure. Viktor rushed into the room he heard Yuuri calling from.
"YUURI?! Yuuri!" Viktor saw the huddled vision of Yuuri in the dark.
"What's wrong?" Viktor asked trying to keep his voice calm and soothing. Yuuri still having trouble breathing struggled to speak only managing a couple of words.
"Released....prison.... threat...... terrified." He looked up at Viktor, tears now forming silent tracks down his face. Yuuri could hear Yurio's feet shuffling on the floor. All he wanted was to be held and told everything was all right. That he was safe but as he opened his mouth, nothing came out.

Viktor blinked puzzled.
"It'll be fine. I didn't really understand what you mean, but I won't let them hurt you. So, take a deep breath and tell me again." Viktor held Yuuri's hands and rubbed the back of Yuuri's knuckles, blue eyes calm and still as he starred into the wavering brown doe eyes of Yuuri. When Viktor's hands touched Yuuri's, he felt instantly calmer. He took several deep breathes to calm himself, gently running his hand through his hair again.

"A couple of years ago, something happened and I ended up being the key witness that put someone in prison. He got let out yesterday. During his trial, he made it very clear if he ever got out that he would finish what he started." At this Yuuri looked down at his hands, his leg bobbing up and down trying to calm himself.

"I'm sorry I worried you. I just didn't want you to see me like that." Yuuri unconsciously started playing with Viktor's hands rubbing circles and shapes with his left and entwining his right with Viktor's left. Viktor sighed, for once lost for words.
"Can I ask what he did?" Viktor asked in a low voice wary of where Yurio was standing, his eyes flitting over to where he could hear Yurio shuffling.

Yuuri took a quick intake of breath. He pulled Viktor close and whispered in ear afraid to say it too loud.
"He abducted my best friend and my little sister threatened to kill them both. My best friend committed suicide a year after the trial. My little sister didn't survive in the first place. " He wrapped his arms around Viktor's neck softly crying but feeling safer around Viktor. Yuuri sighed into Viktor's shoulder, taking a deep breath he continued.

"Viktor, there is more to the story. but I just it's difficult to talk about. My best-friend was walking home and I wasn't so my friend told me that he would walk her home. only they didn't make it home. This guy who I don't know seemed to be obsessed with Albert fish, he wanted to emulate him so he took many children - he would fixate on one, then who ever got in his way would suffer. He sent pictures and a letter to my family home, it devastated my family. I went to find them. I felt so guilty that it happened, I should have been there to protect her but I wasn't. Eventually I found them."

Viktor gulped waiting for Yuuri to continue, not wanting to interrupt in fear that Yuuri would stop.

"But it was a horrible sight, there were so many graves and the man who took my little sister, he was barely 16 years old. He was deemed insane so that's why he is out now since he was put into a psych prison since he turned 18 and stupid laws mean that at 18 he had to be re-trialed. Since the only real proof was me and my best-friend and since I only found him there abet in the act but still it isn't as much as my best-friends testimony did. I was the nail in the coffin but he was the one who helped build it. With him gone, due to his suicide, his testimony became invalid because of his questionable mental state. So, when re-tried, he got out. It also didn't help that there was no DNA evidence on the bodies or anything. I found them like I said but when I did he was burying my little sister, there was much... I can't, I just." Yuuri chocked up and started silently crying on his shoulder again. Viktor rubbed soothing circles on Yuuri's back, cooing softly.

"It'll be okay, I'll keep you safe." Viktor pulled Yuuri out from his shoulder and took his chin between this thumb and pointer finger, bringing Yuuri's face close to his.
"I won't let him hurt you." Viktor smiled eyes soft as he looked deep into Yuuri's swirling and wavering brown eyes.

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