February 25

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Feb 25 11:43 am

QueenB'sSon: hi!
ValcanoVolcano: hey. Happy birthday
QueenB'sSon: thank u. Hopefully my parents don't come in my room today cuz I'm in a good mood and that would ruin it and I love my good moods.
ValcanoVolcano: I can tell ur in a good mood. R u and ur brother gonna do something?
QueenB'sSon: yeah. He's gonna pick me up and we're going to Blues & Food. He said he got a big surprise 4 me.
ValcanoVolcano: ok. I'm gonna try to help Dad as much as I can. He's moving into another house that he brought. I'm moving in with him it's easier like that.
QueenB'sSon: wha?
ValcanoVolcano: oh. I didn't tell u. My parents r getting a divorce. Dad is moving out and I'm gonna try to move in with him.
QueenB'sSon: oh. Ok.
ValcanoVolcano: hold on. I'm getting a text from somebody


M.I.SS.I.T.: Andy. I'll be at Blues & Food at 1:05. I gotta pick up my bro. Just sit wherever u want and when we get in I'll say something about u then I come over to us. Got it?
ValcanoVolcano: Kay. I'm texting him now. He thinks I'm helping my dad move out today.
M.I.SS.I.T.: Kay. See u soon
ValcanoVolcano: see ya


ValcanoVolcano: Kay. I'm back.
QueenB'sSon: okay. Y ur parents getting a divorce?
ValcanoVolcano: They don't love each other and my mom emotionally abusing my dad
QueenB'sSon: oh, okay. I remember talking about emotional abuse in class.
ValcanoVolcano: yea. I was talking to dad one day and he told me what mom does then I told him it was emotional abuse.
QueenB'sSon: well, ur a good kid for doing that.
ValcanoVolcano: thxs. I think u moved up in friend status.
QueenB'sSon: rly?
ValcanoVolcano: yea. U moved to best friend status.
QueenB'sSon: yay. Best news I've heard all day.
ValcanoVolcano: glad I can make ur day better.
QueenB'sSon: yea. I better get ready. Byiie.
ValcanoVolcano: ok. Bye.

Andy's POV

I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed. After dressed I went downstairs where Dad was.
"Dad, I'm going out," I said, grabbing my keys off the counter.
"Blues & Food."
"It's my friends' birthday."
"Okay. Be home by 7:30."
"Kay." I walked out the door and took the drive across town.

I sat in a booth. Hopefully, I don't see James because this is his cousin's restaurant. I see Darren and the blue haired boy come in. So, blue hair is QueenB'sSon. I can't believe it. I've been talking to one of the cutest boys at school.
"Okay, so you know that guy you've been talking to on Kik?" Darren asked.
"Yeah." His voice is beautiful. Perfect for him.
"Okay. I've found him."
"Really?" I got up and walked over to them.
"Hey, Andy," Darren said.
"Hey. This your little brother?"
"Yeah." He smiled then hugged me, which I happily returned. He smelled wonderful. Like lilies and roses. We sat at a booth and started talking. They ended up talking about fun times they had with their other brother.
"I wish he was here," Donnie said. That's blue hair's name. Dominique. Donnie for short. Right then a guy in camo walked behind them, since they were on the same side, and put his finger to his lips to tell me to keep quiet.
"Did somebody ask for me?" He said. Darren and Donnie slowly turned around, scared as to what they would see. When they saw him they jumped up and hugged him.
"Happy birthday," he said.
"Happy birthday," they said to him. They let go and the guy sat next to me.
"Okay. Neither one of y'all told me about him," he said, pointing at me.
"Dewy, that's Andy. I've been talking to him for about a month," Donnie said. We shook hands and said hellos.
"Well," they said.
"Well, what?" Dewy asked.
"Are we gonna meet him?" Darren asked.
"He has family, too, but he'll be here."
"If he's some jackass then I'll fuck him up real quick."
"Oh, shit. The ghetto done come out," Donnie said. They laughed but I felt left out.
"Speaking of boyfriends what actually happened between you and James?" Darren asked.
"Yeah. You didn't give me much information," Donnie said.
"Do I have to?" I asked.
"Yes," they answered. I sighed.
"Okay. James and I had been dating for awhile and nobody knew about our relationship. We went to the valentines dance together as a couple but acting like friends. We went over to our friends and he eventually walked off. I saw him later-" I cut myself off when I saw him with that bitch. He came here with the bitch. I knew it was on a date because he used to take me here on dates.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said getting up. I put my hood on since I have to walk past him to get to the bathroom.
"Hey, faggot," he said. I kept walking but he tripped me up. I fell on my face but I quickly got up and went in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and let tears run down my face. He fucking hates me. All the times we've had at this place. He went and took the bitch here. The door opened so I wiped my face.
"Andy?" Donnie said.
"Are you alright?"
"I don't know." He hugged me and I cried on his shoulder. I was taller than him so that's all I could reach. He rubbed my back and hummed in my ear. It helped me calm down. The door opened again and a voice said,
"Crying like a bitch, ain't you Andy?"
"Fuck off, James," Donnie said.
"And who you talking to, you little bitch?"
"Who the hell you think I'm talking to, asshole?" James let out a breath then walked in the stall. Donnie made a motion to signal we should go. I nodded then we walked out.
"You just jealous cuz I'm fucking your crush," the bitch said. I stopped, turned around and said,
"I don't know how you fucking if you pregnant. Hell, he was asking for my ass before you." She stood up and got in my face.
"The fuck did you just say?"
"You're pregnant so I don't know how y'all fucking. Before you he was asking for my ass." She slapped me but I didn't motion to hit her. I know better.
"Andy, come on," Donnie said. I followed him back to the table then I saw James sit down. She said something to him and I slipped on my Sprite. James got up and walked over then punched me in the jaw.
"Don't fucking talk to her like that again," he said.
"Tell her not to start with me." He pulled me up then threw me on the floor. I was so angry but I didn't want to get in any trouble. I got up then walked out. All eyes on me. I went to my car and got in. I wasn't going to leave. No. It's my friends birthday but I'm going to sit here until I feel better. The passenger door opened and Darren sat down.
"You alright?"
"It's gonna get worse. I'm gonna be in the hospital because of him. I just know it. He's being a dick."
"Yeah. Some people just turned into the coldest person after they break up."
"He told me he would never hurt me. He promised me. And he broke the promise." I let my tears flow.
"Is it okay if I go home? I don't wanna be here. I-I-I just need time."
"Yeah. But do you want me to drive you home. You look like you're unable."
"No. I'm cool."
"Okay. Man. If I heard you died in car wreak I'm gonna get you in the after life."
"Kay, dude."

Donnie's POV

Darren walked back in and I saw the car he got in pull off.
"Is he alright?" I asked.
"He will be. I hope," he answered.
"What's up with him and that James guy?" Drew asked.
"James is his dick of an ex," I answered.
"Okay. Do I need to beat someone's ass?"
"No. Not yet."
"Not at all," Darren said.
"Fuck you Darren," I said.
"Nah. You my little bro." I flipped him off while he laughed.

Darren was talking about getting a house and that's when I decided to give him his present. I pulled out my phone and pulled up the link. It was to a apartment that was in his budget and it was two bedroom. I gave him my phone and he looked at it.
"Happy birthday," I said. He hugged me and said thank you. Then my phone went off, letting me know I got a text. Dar gave me my phone and I looked at the text. It was from Andy, saying:
ValcanoVolcano: dad plz come home
I responded with:
QueenB'sSon: sorry. This is Donnie.
ValcanoVolcano: sorry. I though u were dad.
QueenB'sSon: it's okay. R I okay?
ValcanoVolcano: well, I feel like I'm gonna die and I need to talk to dad so not really.
QueenB'sSon: ok. I can come over if u want. If u give me ur address.
He gave me his address then I put my phone up. Drew said,
"That your boyfriend?"
"We're friends but I like him." I blushed and looked down when he stared at me.
"Darren, can we go to his house?" I asked.
"Sure. You got his address?"
"Yeah." I showed him the text and the three of us walked out but not before we paid. We got in Darren's car since the van dropped off Drew and I came with him. When he pulled into the driveway I said,
"Keep y'all asses in here."
"Okay." I got out the car and knocked on the door. He opened the door and pulled me in. I closed the door and hugged him.
"You alright?" I asked. His breathing was uneven and raggedy. I ran my fingers through his hair and let him cry.
"My head hurts," he said. I pulled him to the couch and we sat down.
"Darren and Drew are in the car," I told him. He nodded then said,
"They can come in if they want." I grabbed my phone and texted Darren. There was a knock at the door then I was about to get up but Andy said,
"It's unlocked." I yelled it at them through the door and they walked in.

At about 7:30 a man, who looked like Andy, walked in.
"Hey, Dad. Where were you?" Andy said.
"Got called in."
"Y'all want dinner?"
"I'll cook!" Andy yelled then got up. He grabbed his Dad and they went in the kitchen. Darren got a text and he looked at it. He smirked then looked back at the tv.
"What?" I asked.
"My boyfriend." He then realized what he said then covered his mouth.
"Is it Mr. Watson?" I asked.
"Not gonna say," he said.
"It's Mr. Watson."
"Who's Mr. Watson?" Drew asked.
"The principal."
"Is this guy an asshole?"
"No. He's really sweet."
"If he low key an asshole he dead."
"He isn't an asshole. He's good at discipline," Darren said.
"Mm hm. That's what you need." I saw Darren glare at Drew then blush and look down.
"Leave me alone," Darren said in almost a childish voice.
"Have you told him?" Drew asked. I was so lost because we tell each other everything and there's something they aren't telling me.
"You better if you going out with him. He needs to know."
"I know but I don't know how to tell em."
"The same way you told me."
"But he's my boyfriend and he might break up with me and I really like him."
"Well, tell him anyway you'd like." Darren was avoiding Drew's eyes by looking at the chair he was sitting in. He was fiddling with his fingers.
"Are you in?" Drew asked. Darren nodded. Drew walked over to Darren and sat next to him. Darren cuddled up to him and I said,
"What the fuck?"
"That's a bad word," Darren said.
"I guess I'll have to tell you. So, Darren's into this thing called ddlb. Daddy Dom Little Boy. He's a little and when he goes into little space he acts like a child. Well his headspace is a child's."
"Oh. Okay."
"Are you fine wit it?" Darren asked.
"Yeah. I love you no matter what." I saw his face brighten then he hugged Drew, tight.
"I can't breathe, Dar."
"It's alright." Drew ran his fingers through Darren's hair then kissed his forehead.

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