February 27

19 2 0

Andy's POV

Donnie and I walked in school together and got looks.
"Wanna go to class?" I asked. He nodded and got closer to me. I think he was scared.
"Are you scared?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Ryder and them scare me. They threaten me everyday."
"Don't let them get to you. They're just bullies."
"I know but-"
"Stop thinking about it. Okay?"
"Okay." I stopped in front of the class and said,
"See, we're here," I said. He looked at the door and said,
"Thank you." I smiled and we went in.

At lunch, Donnie asked me,
"You wanna go to Darren's room?"
"Why? We can eat in there?"
"Yeah. We just gotta get food from the cafeteria. But I eat half of Darren's." I laughed at him and walked in the cafeteria to get a sandwich. I looked at him smiling. Some of his hair fell in his face but he didn't seem to notice. His face glowed or it was just me. His blue eyes were his most beautiful feature. I was in love with this boy and I knew it.
"Why you staring at me?" He asked. My eyes widened and I knew I was caught.
"I was thinking," I told him. Not a total lie.
"Okay." I mentally wiped my forehead and followed him to Darren's office.
"Knock knock," Donnie said when we were walking in. Darren was flushed and Mr. Watson was smirking.
"I swear if you hurt my brother I'm gonna find a way to break you," Donnie said. I laughed at Mr. Watson's and Darren's expressions. They looked like deer caught in headlights.
"I'm being serious. If you hurt him in any way I'm snapping you in half."
"Calm down, Donnie. I don't think he would hurt me," Darren said. "Now you, I gotta talk with." He pointed at me. He got up then grabbed me by my ear. He pulled me to the clinic room inside the office and closed the door. You shouldn't hear too much if you're outside this room so we could talk.
"Make a move," Darren said.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
"He hasn't admitted it to me but I know he likes you. Why are you so scared?"
"I'm scared it'll end like it ended between me and James. I don't want that."
"I promise you it won't. I know Donnie and he doesn't like hurting people or getting hurt. And if he loves somebody he'll love them for as long as he can."
"Donnie told me he had a crush on someone but he didn't tell me who. He said I would freak out." I let a tear run down my face.
"It's nothing to cry over."
"What if the guy isn't me? I don't know what I would do."
"Calm down. Just bust a move." I laughed at his pun. I wiped my face and said,
"Thanks, Dar." I hugged him then we walked out.
"I didn't know your brother was that crazy," Mr. Watson said.
"Oh, trust me. It isn't only him," I said.
"Who else?"
"All three of 'em. I'm scared of all three of 'em."
"We aren't scary," Donnie said.
"Your brother is in the military. He can crush me with his pinky."
"You have a point."

I walked in the house and Mom was packing her things. Dad was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I walked up to my room to think.
"Andy! Dinner ready!" Dad yelled. I sighed then walked downstairs. Mom and Dad were already eating so I just got my plate and my food. There was an awkward silence at the table and I didn't like it.
"Okay. I get you guys are getting a divorce but can't you get through a meal with a decent conversation?" I said. I looked at them looking at each other. They weren't going to say anything. I got up and left for my room.

Feb 27 3:56

ValcanoVolcano: my parents aren't talking and I hate the house being silent
QueenB'sSon: well, Idk.
ValcanoVolcano: neither do I. I mean I love my parents and I want the best for them but it's weird.
QueenB'sSon: did u try talking to them?
ValcanoVolcano: yea. They just looked at each other.
QueenB'sSon: yea. Well, it'll all be over soon. Ain't u staying with ur dad?
ValcanoVolcano: yea. Mom moving out.
QueenB'sSon: ur dad a cool dude.
ValcanoVolcano: yea. I love my dad. He knows all the things I'm going through and how to help me out. I don't see mom so Idk.
QueenB'sSon: so, it Dad ur savior and ur mom is just a person?
ValcanoVolcano: yea. She my mother. And I hate it cuz I wanna be close to both my parents.
QueenB'sSon: ik the feeling. I wanna feel safe wit my parents and protected and loved. It hurts ya know?
ValcanoVolcano: well, u have it worse than me.

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