Chapter 1 - Wizards and Brawlers

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When looking for the most honourable of heroes, the kind to go down in history for their great deeds, one would not expect to find such a person in a run down, smoky tavern. On one particularly cold evening, Gandalf the Grey found himself seeking refuge in the not-too-friendly establishment. The tavern reeked of alcohol and pipe weed, the combination of smells and other odours was enough to make the wizard crinkle his nose in distaste. 

A young lass with messy brown curls and a rather revealing dress sidled pass muttering a quick 'What can I get ye, sir?' and hurried off to retrieve the wizard's order. The lass returned with a plate of bread and cheese and a tankard of ale for the elderly man who nodded in thanks. 

"Are ye 'ere to watch 'em fights, sir?"

Gandalf frowned, "I beg your pardon, fights?"

"Oh aye, it's what we 'ere be known for. Every night the lads will fight each other for a wee bit o' silver and gold." She gestured to the door at the back of the tavern where a few men were pushing their way through. "The tavern favourite be fightin', she ain't never been beaten since her first fight."

Gandalf's frowned deepened with his curiosity, which he gave into as the young girl scurried away. He gave into his curiousness and followed the crowd of drunken men out the back of the tavern. Outside was a sort of courtyard, which hosted a large crowd of yelling and cheering men and women standing in a make shift circle. Gandalf shuffled his way through the crowd till he found a gap through which he could see what the drunken tavern occupants were making a raucous about. In the centre of the ring were two figures, one significantly smaller than the other who was a muscled, giant of a man. What surprised Gandalf, was that the smaller of the two, who he realised to be the 'she' the tavern girl spoke of, was landing far more punches and kicks than the larger man. 

Both fighters were covered in mud up to their knees and across their arms and backs from where they'd no doubt fallen in the mud. The crowd roared as the woman landed two quick, solid punches to her opponent's stomach, elbowed him hard in the jaw, and landed a swift kick to the side of his head. The man stumbled and swayed before crumpling to the mud in an unconscious heap. The crowd cheered as they traded their winnings and those who lost grumbled in defeat as the crowd dispersed back inside no doubt to spend their winnings on ale and other pleasures. 

Gandalf watched as the victor walked over to a bucket of water that rested on a small table next to a wooden chair that held her belongings. She tossed the small sack of coins with her things and leaned over the bucket with her back to the wizard. Gandalf thought for a moment, a plan forming in his mind.

"Somethin' I can help ye with, Wizard?" 

Gandalf was startled by her rough voice. She kept her back to him as she scrubbed the blood and mud from her knuckles and bare arms.

"You know of me?" Gandalf inquired.

"Aye, word  gets around about Gandalf the Grey, and your attire isn'a the most conspicuous."

The Wizard glanced down at his robes and chuckled, "Indeed." The Wizard's eyes found the chair that held her things. A long coat was tossed carelessly over it, and on top were a variety of weapons that were carefully placed. Gandalf wondered what someone like her would need with a broad sword, a bow and quiver full of arrows, and a number of daggers.

"And what might a tavern brawler need of so many weapons?" 

The woman splashed the water over her fave and slicked back her red hair. "Aye, well a lass has gotta 'ave a hobby." She drawled, turning to face the wizard.

Gandalf was met by a pair of keen grey eyes under arched eyebrows. He took the chance to take in some of her visible features, the most distinct and noticeable in the dim light was a scar that ran from her hair line down the right side of her face and faded away at the right corner of her mouth. The Wizard gave a wry smile, "One might guess you were a Ranger."

"On occasion, I left some years ago, but that doesna mean I'll not do what needs to be done." As she spoke, she strapped her sword to her hips and let it rest against her left thigh.

"Well, with experience as a Ranger, I trust you know the safer paths across the Wild and other places of Middle Earth, Miss...?"

"Laire," she nodded uneasily. "Aye, I know well enough."

"Wonderful, I have a proposition for you Miss Laire." Gandalf began, "I trust you have heard of Thorin Oakenshield?"

"Aye, the would be King of Erebor." Laire folded her arms across her chest, her broad shoulders tensed.

"Yes, he and a company of Dwarves and a Hobbit set out to reclaim their homeland."

Laire scoffed, "From a dragon, are ye all bloody mad?!"

"The task will not be easy of that I am certain, but if we are victorious, it will be a feat that will be told in stories and ballads for centuries to come."

Laire hardly looked convinced, "And does this 'ave to do with your proposition?"

"This quest will require us to journey across many dangerous lands, I would seek to employ your services as a Ranger, a guide if you will, to lead us on the safer roads."

Laire was silent for a few moments as she contemplated the wizard's words. "Aye, I'll warn ye though, my services dinna come for free. I'm not exactly one for charity."

Gandalf nodded, "I will see to it you are paid handsomely for your services. Do you accept?"

Laire shrugged on her coat, "Let me think on it."

Gandalf pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded stiffly, "Of course, if you choose to accept, there will be a meeting of the Company two nights from now at the Shire, Bag End. The door will be marked."

Laire nodded as she slipped her last dagger into it's sheath on her right thigh.

"Until we meet again, Miss Laire." He turned to make his way back into the tavern, but was stopped by the lass' voice.

"Aye they'll tell stories and sing songs, but they'll not mention my name."

When the Wizard gave her a confused expression she merely replied;

"No one sings about bastards."

Happy New Year everyone!! So I have decided that my resolution for this year (yeah I'm doing one of those) is to try and write and update my stories more often. While I'm currently working one another one, I decided to start this one because I've had this idea for a while. Also, because I noticed that there aren't all that many Fili fanfics around which I think sucks because Fili is adorable and deserves love <3. 

I am warning you now, this story is going to more mature in the sense that there will be sex scenes and probably a ton of sexual innuendos and other things like that. I will give you the heads up when the more mature scenes are coming for those who don't like to read them, but for all you dirty minded people enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hobbit, I simply own my characters and any influence they have over the story.

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