Chapter 21 - More Than Meets the Eye

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That night, the Company dined and drank with the Master of Laketown, but Laire did not share in the festivities. Instead she found solitude in the quite of night, on the balcony overlooking the quiet town that itched with anticipation. 

"Not a party person, are you?" Fili stepped out of the doorway and leaned against the railing, his shoulder just brushing hers.

Laire shifted her gaze to the ground, "I dinna feel there is much to celebrate." 

"What do you mean? The Mountain is within our reach at last." Fili frowned.

"And what do ye think we will find inside? I highly doubt Smaug will graciously surrender the gold to you." Laire sighed heavily and turned her eyes to the Mountain, she could barely make out the outline in the dim moonlight. "I know there are good reasons for gettin' yer home back, important reasons, reasons I used to be sure of... But now, part of me feels like this is a mistake."

Fili was silent for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say. It is true, he hadn't considered the consequences reclaiming their homeland would bring. "I have never doubted that we are here for the right reasons, and there is great risk in what we aim to do, but we cannot let that stop us. Taking back our home is too important."

"More important than the death we might unleash?" Laire snapped. Fili opened his mouth to protest, but Laire has stormed away before he could form a syllable. She left him alone in the still night to writhe in his growing guilt and doubt.


The town had gathered at the wharf early the next morning, all excited to see the Dwarves off in hopes their return would bring them riches. The Company were loading supplies into the boats as Bilbo paused and looked around, it was then the Hobbit noticed the lack of their hatted Dwarf. "You do know we're one short; where's Bofur?"

"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Thorin replied gruffly.

"We have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays." added Balin. 

One by one the Dwarves piled into the boats while the people cheered and wished them luck. Kili moved to climb in behind his brother, but Thorin held out his arm. "Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down."

Kili shook his head and smiled as though his Uncle's words were nothing but jest, "What are you talking about? I'm coming with you."

Thorin shook his head, "No."  

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." pleaded Kili. Fili, having heard the exchange turned to listen concernedly. 

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin laid a hand on his Nephew's shoulder and gave him a sad smile.

Betrayed and hurt, Kili turned away as his Uncle climbed aboard. Laire watched with a frown as Kili limped past her. His face was pale, and amidst the hurt on his face she could see the pain settle in. 

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded." Oin announced as he climbed out of the boat.

"Laire." Thorin looked up at the Ranger with a questioning expression. 

Laire bit her lip as she decided the path she would take, "I can be more help to him here, than I can with ye."

Thorin hesitated for a moment, but nodded his head towards Kili, giving his permission for her to stay. Laire pulled a tight lipped smile and walked to Kili's side. Fili stepped up to his Uncle with a pleading expression. "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!"

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