Chapter 11 - Near Death Experiences and Great Escapes

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"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung! You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung. You will lie down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin-town." The Goblin King sang off key.

One of the Goblins rustled through the weapons, his attention drawn to Thorin's sword. The Goblin drew the blade out a few inches and shrieked at the bright Elvish blade as he threw it to the ground. The Goblins shied away from the blade as the Goblin King cowered against his throne, pointing at the weapon in horror.

"I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks!"

The Goblins threw themselves at the Company, lashing them with ropes and whips. 

"Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!" The Great Goblin cried, his finger point at Thorin.

A few smaller Goblins held Thorin on the ground as a larger one prepare to cut off his head with a mangled knife. Laire, who was still on the ground close by rolled closer and kicked the knee out of the Goblin who stumbled away from Thorin. The Goblin turned to Laire in a fit of rage and made charge for her, but she ducked under its swinging arm and made a dive for the pile of weapons grabbing the first knife she could wrap her fingers around. She twisted herself and drove the knife into the gut of the Goblin who screeched and jerked as it fell to the ground.   

Another Goblin jumped on top of Laire and wrestled for the blade. She grunted under the weight on her ribs, they were surely bruised from the blow she'd taken, maybe even broken. She pushed back with all her strength as they Goblin tried to drive the knife through her heart, when suddenly a bright light filled the cavern, tossing the Goblin off her and knocking everyone to the ground. The Company looked around in a daze as the light slowly dimmed and a shadow wearing a pointed hat appeared from behind the blast. Gandalf.  

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf cried.

The Company stumbled to their feet grabbing weapons and fighting off the Goblins. Laire jumped to her feet and used the knife she clutched tightly in her grip against the on coming Goblins. Fili threw a Goblin off him and caught his sword that his brother threw to him. His eyes drew to Laire armed only with a knife. Her sword was close by and he reached for it, snatching it off the ground and swinging it to cut the head off a Goblin.


Laire swung her head around in time to see Fili toss her sword threw the air and into her hand. She sent him a nod and drove the blade through the closest Goblin. She caught sight of her bow and quiver lying on the ground, teetering near the edge of the path. Not about to let one of her more prized possessions go, she threw herself at it and caught the strap just as it fell off the edge. She jumped slightly as a Goblin fell over the edge beside her and a hand grab her arm and pull her upright. Fili. 

"Follow me. Quick! Run!" Gandalf orders, leading the Company along a pathway away from the throne.

The Company ran along the pathways, ducking, dodging and fighting off the Goblins that chased them through the cave. A handful of the Dwarves pulled a guide rail free and used it to charge ahead, knocking the Goblins aside and into the dark below. As Kili dodged arrow fire, he grabbed a ladder and dropped it onto them capturing a number between the rungs. He and the other Dwarves pushed the Goblins backwards and into the gap between two platform using the ladder as their path across the dark descent beneath it. Gandalf lead them further through the cave until they came to a platform suspended in the air. As the Company piled on, Laire cut some of the ropes, causing the platform to swing towards the path across the gap.

"Jump!" Thorin barked.

Half of the Company jumped, landing safely on the other side, while the remainder were forced to wait for the next swing. As the platform swung back, a number of Goblins launched onto the platform before it could swing out of range. Laire fought of the Goblins as the last of the Dwarves and Gandalf leaped across to safety, before jumping herself and cutting the ropes as she went sending the platform and Goblins tumbling into the darkness. 

The Company ran along the pathway that was carved into the side of the rocky cavern. Gandalf raised his staff and split the stone above them cause a large boulder to fall and tumble down the path ahead of them crushing their enemies as it went. Finally the Company came to a long bridge, but as they moved to cross it, the Great Goblin crashed through the boards and hauled his gluttonous self up blocking off their escape.

"You thought you could escape me?" The Goblin challenged, swinging his mace at Gandalf who stumbled back into the Dwarves who held him upright. "What are you going to do now, Wizard?"

Gandalf lunged forward and thrust his staff into the Goblin's eye, who cried out and clutched his face in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

The Wizard lunged again, this time slicing the Goblin's belly with his sword.

The Great Goblin fell to his knees, clutching feebly at his gaping wound. 

"That'll do it."

Gandalf gave his sword one final swing and cut the Goblin's throat opened for good measure. The Goblin slumped over, his huge weight caused the rickety bridge to collapse and the Company was sent sliding down the cavern and into the darkness. The Company cried out in fear as the bridge slid down the side of the cavern, its speed growing. When the bridge finally crashed to the safety of the cavern floor, the Dwarves were breathless with relief.

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur announced, sticking out from amongst the rubble.

Just as the words left his mouth, the Great Goblin's corpse fell on top of the rubble with incredible force that almost crushed the Company. 

"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin cried in frustration and pain.

Laire, who was tangled up in the wreckage gave Bofur a venomous look, "Ye just couldna keep yer mouth shut, could ye?"

As the Dwarves and Laire removed themselves of the rubble, Kili glanced up and paled at sight above him. "Gandalf!"

The entire Goblin population were descending on them like a swarm, blind with fury.

"There's too many! We can't fight them," said Dwalin 

Gandalf followed the rocky path that cut through the cavern, the dim light of the late afternoon sun shimmered through the crevice."Only one thing will save us: daylight! Come on! Here, on your feet!"

The Company worked fast to pull each of them free from the wreckage. They bolted after Gandalf who led them through the cavern making sure each of them got through. Finally, they broke through into the warm embrace of the sun, but none stopped to enjoy it, they were determined to put some distance between them and that mountain.

Guess who's back!!!! I can't say sorry enough for taking so long to update any of my stories I have been flat biccy for ages and uni has kicked back in, and not gonna lie I've had bugger all inspo for the last month or so. But I'm kicking my arse into gear and hoping to pump out a couple more chapters over the coming weeks. So stay tuned and stay awesome!!! <3 

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