Chapter 17 - The Great Escape

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"I'll wager the sun's on the rise. It must be nearly dawn." Bofur droned from his cell. The night had been long and quiet. Hardly a word had been spoken by anyone as the hopelessness of their situation sank in.

"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori muttered dejectedly.

"Not stuck in here, you're not!" And who would appear from around the corner but the burglar Hobbit himself, the keys clutched in his hand triumphantly.  

"Bilbo!" Cried Balin happily as the Company became alert to his presence.

"Shhh! There are guards nearby!" Bilbo hushed. One by one the Hobbit unlocked each of their cells, hope returning to their spirits once again. The quest was afoot once more.

The Dwarves began to shuffle towards the stair they had been lead down when they were first captured with hopes it would lead to their freedom.

"Not that way, down here. Follow me." Bilbo ordered hurriedly, he turned in a different direction and lead the Company into the lower parts of the kingdom. Bilbo directed them into a room where the soft snores of the Elven Guards past out at the small table could be heard. The room held several barrels of wine and other drink, a few bottles stood empty on the table the guards slept at. "This way."

"I don't believe it; we're in the cellars!" Kili gasped.

"You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur whined as they tip-toed down the stairs.

"I know what I'm doing!" Bilbo hissed with frustration. 


"This way." The Hobbit lead them to the furthest corner of the cellar were a number of empty barrels were stacked on their sides. "Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!"

"Are you mad?! They'll find us!" Dwalin said.

"No, no, they won't, I promise you. Please, please, you MUST trust me!" 

The Dwarves milled around, debating whether to follow him or not until the sound of the guards discovering their escape reached their ears.

"Do as he says!" Barked Thorin.

Bilbo walked along assuring each Dwarf was accounted for and safely tucked away in a barrel. He turned and walked to a lever that stemmed from the wooden floor.

Bofur popped his head out from his barrel, "What do we do now?"

"Hold your breath." Bilbo grinned.

"Hold my breath? What do you mean?" The answer to his question was not the one that Bofur had been expecting, but the cold, crisp water soaking through his clothes made it obvious why his breath required holding. 

There were many disgruntled gasps and groans from the Dwarves as the bitter cold soaked them through. A few moments passed before the floor above them opened and the little Hobbit tumbled into the water with a splash. Bilbo resurfaced moments later and grasped onto Nori's barrel tightly looking much like a panting, drowned rat. 

"Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin grinned

Bilbo only managed a slight wave of his hand before spluttering out, "Go."

"Come on, let's go." Thorin urged. The Company paddled down the river and emerged in the early morning sun. The current began to pick up as they headed straight for a small waterfall. "Hold on!"

The Company plunged over the waterfall and carried further down the river. The sound of a horn broke through the silence of the forest as the barrels careered towards a guard post built over the water. One of the guards pulled a lever and the iron gates creaked closed as the first of the Dwarves collided with the metal. 

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