Chapter 2 - Terms and Conditions

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Bilbo huffed and hovered in the doorway of the dinning room. Though he was grateful that the rambunctious Dwarves had calmed significantly since their illustrious leader, Thorin Oakenshield arrived, he was still curious as to their purpose to meet at his once quiet home.

The Dwarves were quietly - for a nice change - discussing said meeting from which their Company's leader had just returned from. That was, until a loud knocking echoed through the hobbit hole. 

"Were you expecting another?" Bilbo meekly asked as all eyes seemed to drift between Thorin and the direction of the door.

"I don't know, were we?" Thorin directed his question to the Wizard, the one most likely to invite another stranger to their quest, he could only hope that this one was more capable than the Hobbit Gandalf had chosen.

Gandalf carefully rose from his seat, mindful of his greater height in the small space. "It would seem in my travels, that I may have acquired us a fifteenth member. One who I believe has a most valuable skill set to offer us."

The Hobbit frowned as he and the Company curiously made their way to the round door. The wizard had said fifteenth member, which confused him considering he'd only counted 13 Dwarves. Of course there was Gandalf but for some reason he doubt the Wizard had included himself in the head count. Which lead Bilbo to wonder; who was the 14th?

The Company huddle around the entrance foyer as Gandalf opened the door, each of them trying to catch glimpse of their newest member.

"Ah Miss Laire." Gandalf greeted.


"Wonderful of you to join us. I see you have accepted my proposition."

Gandalf opened the door wide enough for the stranger to step through. "I'm yet to decide that." The voice that belonged to the hooded stranger was rough but feminine.

So this Laire was indeed a woman. Their assumptions were fully confirmed when her hood was pushed back to reveal ringlets of fiery red hair that almost brushed at her elbows. There was a moment of silence as the Company and Laire took in each other's appearance. Beards, eyes, scars, hair, height, attire, corset, hips, chest. 

"Miss Laire, this is Thorin Oakenshield and his Company." The Wizard gestured to the Dwarves who eyed her sceptically.

"Laire is a Ranger of the Dunedain, and is very familiar with the wild and other paths we need to take. She is also an excellent and seasoned warrior which is why I have no doubt she will be an extremely beneficial addition to the Company."

Thorin rolled his eyes, clearly not seeing any benefit or gain from having this woman along with them. "It seems as though Gandalf has made the arrangements. Welcome to the company, Ranger." The tone in Thorin's voice was far from welcoming. To him, it was bad enough Gandalf had means to hire a Hobbit, but now he brings this Ranger, a woman at that.

"If ye dinna want my services, then I'll just turn around and leave and I doubt ye'll ever see me again. But of course ye'll be force to travel across some very dangerous lands with some not-too-friendly folk sniffin' around. And I doubt any of ye know the safer roads across the Wild?" Laire casually looked around the Company as the glanced nervously between each other which confirmed her suspicions.

Thorin pressed his lips together and crossed his arms, the Ranger had a point as much as he did not care to admit it, she was needed on their quest. "Would you be willing to offer your services, Miss Laire?"

The Ranger leaned on her right leg and crossed her arms lazily. "Aye, I might be."

"For a payment?" Thorin guessed.

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