Chapter 3 - Roads and Bets

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The sun had barely risen over the Shire by the time the Company was leaving. They knew when Gandalf exited the Hobbit hole with a glum expression that the Hobbit was not going to be joining them. Though there were some that still thought he would come. Laire and Gandalf were two of those number.

"Oi let's make a bet on it then." Nori announced. 

Murmurs of agreement rose amongst the members of the Company who chose to partake in the bet. 

"You sure seem certain that Hobbit's going to show, love." Fili remarked, slowing his pony down to walk beside Laire and her steed.

Laire smirked and looked down at the Dwarf, "I 'ave a hunch." 

Fili thought for a moment before a smirk appeared under his mustache, "Shall we make this interesting, love?" 

Laire raised an eyebrow but nodded, "Alright, I'm game." 

"Alright the deal is; the loser has to give the winner whatever he or she chooses."

Laire couldn't help but scoff, "That's it? And here I was thinking it was goin' to be somethin' a wee bit more intimidating."

"Well I'd hate to scare you off so soon, love is all." Fili shrugged.

Laire smirked and shook her head, "It'll take a wee bit more than that to scare me out of a bet, laddie. I once had to swim halfway across the long lake in the middle of winter cause I lost a bet."

The look of utter disbelief apparent on Fili's face was enough to make Laire chuckle, "Aye, got me wee brother to thank for that."

"I feel like I could regret asking this, but what was the bet?" 

Laire grinned at the memory, "Well me brother and I were walking down this river that joined into the long lake and it was not long after a storm and there was this tree hanging over the water. So we made a bet that the one who falls off first has to swim from the bank to the bridge into Laketown. So we were balancin' on this tree and we start tryin' to push each other off, see the problem was me brother's bigger than me so ye can guess who ended up in the river first. So in the middle of bloody winter I start swimming across the lake and by the time I get to the bridge, 'ere's me wee brother laughing like a loon at me crawlin' out of the water like a drowned rat, freezin' ta death."

Fili couldn't help but laugh, imagining the scene in his head. But his laughter was interrupted by a distant yelling from behind them.

"Wait! Wait!"

The Company halted and turned to see none other than Bilbo running after them with the contract flapping around wildly in his hand.

"I signed it!" Bilbo huffed, holding it out to Balin.

The elderly Dwarf inspected the contract closely, "Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

The Dwarves cheered, their leader on the other hand was far from impressed.

"Give him a pony." The Dwarf King grunted, before urging his pony forward.

"No, no, no, no, that--that won't be necessary, thank you, but I--I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I-- I--I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once--WAGH!"

The Hobbit's protests were futile as he was lifted onto a pony by Kili and Fili. The Company eased back into comfortable silence with the exception of the odd conversation, it wasn't until Oin requested his payment that the others began to perk up.

"You heard the lad, love. Pay up." Laire wore a smug expression as Fili begrudgingly dug into his coat and pulled out a sack of coins that he then tossed to Laire.

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