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"Today is Halloween. Our Favorite time of the year please don't Wear, Say or Do anything stupid" greg has said almost every year, but this year was different for the boys. it was their first year of middle school, they had to make it count.

this was floating around in her head, she had to take greg's words into consideration.

anna walked into the school with Quentin "Why are you hanging out with those dork's babe" he said putting his arm around her shoulder
she rolled her eyes. she caught herself doing this more and more.

she had this boy wrapped around my finger and for no reason. she didn't really show him the same attention.
"You wouldn't understand" she laughed, "Of course i would princess"
"stop calling me that, and they've just always been a good support system for me" He laughed, while she stared at him with a straight face

"Oh...you're serious" he sighed looking down, she nodded "Well that makes sense how did they manage that?" he questioned
"they helped me when my mom passed away. they helped me with my depression, and they just brought me out of place i couldn't get myself out of." He looked at her crazily and just looked toward "i'm sorry"

"But you've always been perfect" he exclaimed
"I told you, You wont understand" she scoffed

The day went by fast, she skipped mostly with Quentin, yeah okay he likes to torment greg and rowley but he does what she says and since then he had backed off.

"Can....Can i walk you home?" he asked, shyly. "Sure"
"Sweet" he out his ha ss in his pockets with a smile on his face

When we made it home, Rodrick was waiting there in her yard. she swallowed the lump in her throat but it wouldn't move, the anxious feeling she was getting was indescribable. she felt like she was gonna puke all over quentins shoes "Thanks" He smiled down at me "Can...uhm..."
"Can you?"
"Can i kiss you?"
"Right now?" he nodded "I....Ive never kissed anyone before" she nodded, he leaned in and before anna knew it, his lips pressed to hers.

It was nice "See you later A" he said waving goodbye. she had a faint smile walking into her yard, feeling light on her feet. What was that?" Rodrick yells "A kiss?"

"you're too young!" he grunted
"shut up when did you start sucking face?" annas remark made him grunt
"That doesn't matter"
her eyes rolling, unlocking her door, slamming it in his face. she went into my room changing into my costume i smiled and tightening my pigtails.

 she went into my room changing into my costume i smiled and tightening my pigtails

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her walk over to Greg's house was short as always.
"you look wonderful Annabelle" Mrs. Heffley said to her
she smiled
"So do you" Mrs. Heffley smiled
when she walked in, she wasn't expecting Rodrick standing there emotionless "What's wrong?"
"They left" he was chewing candy. "What?" she gasped
"They left you"
she scoffed "are you serious"
"as a heart attack" he smirked.

"I got ready for nothing! Great" she grunted angrily
he grabbed her hand pulling her up the stairs into his room "Listen I told them to. I really need to talk to someone" He said.

"That's all I'm useful for now huh? You're only nice to me when you need something but whatever what is it" she looked everywhere but at rodrick.

"I like this girl, she's so amazing and i can't keep her out of my head. it's not right and it shouldn't happen, but it's just when she looks at me, i can't help that she gets the same feeling i do... but it's wrong. it's so wrong."

her heart broke, she took a deep shaky breath. beginning to prepare the words she was going to give him, especially for a girl who wasn't her. to chase after a woman, someone who could give rodrick more. which deep down she knew it would never be her "Well...tell her...tell her how you feel" her voice cracked quickly covering it with a cough.

"Do you like anyone?" he asked, she shrugged. she couldn't tell him how she felt about him now, he has his eyes for someone else, there was no way she could even think about it anymore.

"What about that boy you kissed today" "Quentin? Nah hes just my slave " she smirked

he played some soft music "Since my dweeb brother left you...here's a dance.....just don't tell anyone" she smiled "Gotta soft spot for me Heffley?" He shrugged smiling dancing to the music with her. he had his hands on her waist and hers around his neck.

"So Tell me about this chick"
"Well she has Brownish hair and crystal blue eyes like the bottom of a brand new pool and she's small but sorta tall but shorter than me and her hair is down her back and She's so sweet but make her mad she'll stomp you" He laughed
he twirled her around, she couldn't help but giggle as he held her to him staring down at her.

they leaned in as their lips were less than a centimeter apart "Annabelle look" Greg and Rowley said , as they pulled away coughing "Cool" she said "you guys got a lot, but why are you wet?"

"Sorry we didn't bring you. long story." they said.

"it's okay i was just heading home" she smiled "Out!" Rodrick yelled at them they ran out "I think im gonna head out" he nodded.

she started to walk away, her heart feeling heavy, she wanted so bad to just have felt his lips on hers, her heart breaking with every step. 
"Wait" he grabbed her, spinning her to him.
"I can't help it" He said pulling her into him by her waist pushing his lips to hers.

she wrapped her arms around his neck. before they knew it a flash went off, it was Mrs.Heffley. anna backed away "I knew it" she squealed "You owe me 10 bucks babe!" She yelled, anna and rodrick couldn't help but  laugh.

Rodrick walked her home "See you tomorrow Annabelle" she gave him a weird look "See ya buttlick" she sighed, he ran at her, tossing her over his shoulder, then putting her on the trampoline, she jumped onto him making him fall.

she sat on top of his stomach, catching her breath. while he struggled to breath "I win" "Are you sure?" he flipped them over and stood up "I think i won" he said. she shook her head, smiling and stood up and pulled him to her kissing his cheek, while his lips were puckered "I win" she whispered in his ear.

she jumped off running to her door, he pushed her to the door. he placed his lips on hers whem the door opened and they fell in "Annabelle!" her dad yelled

"Bye Rodrick" she sighed,  closing the door "what would your mother have thought out you kissing a boy?!" he yelled he had been drinking
"Well we don't know do we? because she's not here anymore!" she yelled at him, her voice breaking "She's dead! She's never coming back" anna sobbed
"She killed herself because of you! You're a freak!" He yelled at me "Anna-" he was cut off by her running out of the house and down the road, she kept running. she didn't stop, she didnt know where to go so she kept running until she made it to a store

she sat on the bench for who knows how long
"Annabelle?" It was Rodrick she looked at him, her beautiful makeup had already messed up, but she couldn't have looked more beautiful.

"What did he say this time" his voice turned soft

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now