"My dear, this is it"

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Previously on Puppy Dog Eyes
They pulled away smiling but Rodricks quickly dropped when he remembered what his family and Anna's dad discussed.

Tears fell into Rodricks eyes.
And felt like he was being torn.

"Rodrick? What's wrong? You're scaring me."
"Im sorry Anna... but you-"
The door was opened by her dad interrupting the sad news.

Present time

"Anna, you're being released tomorrow. We'll talk once you get home"
Anna was confused, the poor girl, that conquered death had no idea to what was going on.

She felt so confused onto how she got here, or what happened with Rodrick.

it's like there was a memory lost and she felt it. she tried so hard to remember. she touched her lips and then everything hit. everything.

the anemia, her crush coming out, the flirting, the changed girl. everything

she felt like she had been hit with bricks
she didn't know how to feel
she didn't even consider the fact of what happened
or how it had happened.

"Rodrick, you, you were saying something"  he looked at her with eyes full of melancholy
"anna, while you were out, you're aunt came." he felt like he couldn't breathe air into his lungs because if he did he would drop dead.

"Okay?" she asked looking fairly gone

"She wants to take you with her. And your dad is letting her" he finally choked out

she froze. she didn't want to leave
her life was finally coming together
she didn't understand how her father could give her up so easily after everything. how could he let his little girl leave him like her mother did? how?

she became overwhelmed. she grew livid

she began snatching needles and cords from her body and stared to get up, a headache coming on fast, but she didn't care. she pushed past Rodrick and out into the hall, stomping towards where her father and Mrs. Heffley were talking

"How could you? who the hell are you to just send me away!" she yelled at him
he looked at her, pathetically

"Anna come on you're making a scene, calm down, you're gonna get overwhelmed-"
"I'm already overwhelmed! i'm over the roof! i'm so angry!" and she was, you could practically see the steam coming out of the girls ears
"You don't get to send me away! my life is going the right way! what is so wrong that you have to send me away?! just like you did Franny!" she girl was infuriated, tears swelling in her eyes but she refused to let them fall, she refused to look weak.

everyone froze, everyone stopped.
They stopped because of a slap
her father had just hit her.
no one knew about her sister.
but now they did.

"how dare you" he sneered
"how dare i? how dare you! you're being selfish! you're being unfair, i've stuck with you for so long even on your drunken nights, i consoles you about mama!" her eyes holding back more tears and her cheek stinging, on fire.

"you don't get to send me away because you don't know what to do with me! i get it! i'm a handful but i refuse to be like Franny. she been gone all of my life and i will not let you just get rid of me!"

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now