Doctors and The Dance

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I sat the the doctors office my knee bouncing up and down anxiously

The lady walked in "well blood pressures normal, just keep drinking a lot of fluids and stay away from fat foods" I nodded

"Are you sure you don't want the treatment sweetheart? Aplastic Anemia is treatable just give us the mone-" "No, The money can be used for something better" I said quickly my dad exhaled shakily

"Well it's your choice honey have a nice day" she said giving my dad a sad smile

I had Aplastic Anemia for a few months now and it was getting worse each day.

I had no idea how long I had but I decided not to think about it that it would just make me sad.

I grabbed the paper work and we left.

The car ride was quiet and awkward I seen my dad trying not to get upset He may not be the greatest dad in the world but he still cared

"Dad you've gotta understand that we need that money"
"Yeah for you" "Something bigger better and worth it" "You're all I have left Anna" I closed my eyes taking in his words

"I'm sorry" I whispered

We arrived home when I seen Rodrick get out of the van and fall onto the lawn I rolled my eyes and went inside I looked over and seen him

"Not happening. Ever." He said

I was confused I went to my room

I began to grow angry I've lost everyone, and it's my fault.

I threw my book bag at the wall it hitting the picture hanging on the wall then knocking down the rest that were lined up I gasped and ran over I began to cry as I seen that the glass had broken to the pictures

One was a picture of Rowley Greg and I
Then there was One of the Heffleys and I then me and Rodrick his arm over my shoulder doing the rock on sign '🤘🏼' sticking his tongue out

I did the same but my arm around his torso and I was laughing

Then the picture of my mom I grabbed it out of the broken glass
I missed her I really did

She gave me happiness and then she gave up.

She didn't the treatments either.

I had gotten my Anemia from my mom it was passed down and I wouldn't want my child to go though with it.

~A few hours later~

The dance was loud and everyone had their moms but I in fact was alone Q came over to me

"Hey" "hi" "how are you" "fine" "cool" "yeah"

I started thinking about Rodrick
How I felt around him, how funny he can be.

"I-I've gotta go" I said getting up quickly I ran out of the gym I ran as fast as I could

It was kind of cold out and the heels were not helping me run I took them off throwing them in the street getting a little more agility to run faster I arrived at the Heffley home and heard the loud band playing in the garage

I took a deep breath and opened the door the music stopped they all looked at me with a stupid look on their faces Rodricks friends have always been in love with me
They're boys it's what they do

I looked at the short blue dress and rolled my eyes

"Can I talk to you" they all nodded I pointed to Rodrick

The looked down with sad faces "I have nothing to say to you" "Me either but I'm making you talk to me" "no" "Rodrick Heffley if you don't get your a-" the guitar blocked out my cuss word "over here I'm gonna kick you in the face" I said

He looked scared and walked over I grabbed his ear and pulled outside and threw him against the garage door

"Ow you're strong for a girl" "Yeah I can be stronger if you don't shape up"

"Listen you left, it's never gonna happen anyway" "what do you mean never gonna happen?! Ever?!" "I mean us! We're never gonna happen"

My heart broke

Everything stopped
My knees felt weak

"You're too young" "I'm a year younger than you!" "It doesn't matter" he sighed "it'll ruin my imagine" I began to shake

My vision was blurry I threw my purse at him the boys jumped

"I hate you" "what?" "I hate you!" I yelled

"No you don't" "You made me believe I was worth something!"

"You are" "Then why after all these years are you pulling out now?" I spat at him

"It's-" "Forget it I'm going home" I said walking to the white have jumping over it and inside

My night had been way too long
And I wanted to sleep

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now