"Bad News"

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It all came back in flashes, Some good and Some bad.
The bad ones I felt I couldn't breathe. My chest felt heavy and it was dark.
It was cold. I Remember taking my last breath and everything going black. Is this how it was? Dark and Cold. I didn't like this.
I felt like I was being shocked, bright lights flooded the darkness behind my eyelids.

The flashes stopped and everything went back to dark and cold.
-3rd person p.o.v-

"We have bad news" the Heffleys feared the worst and that was the bad part.
"Is she....dead?" Greg got straight to the point and didn't want to beat around the bush.
"No, but we're afraid that she has damage to the brain because of the impact on her head. She may not remember what has happened within the past year. We don't know, she also may not wake up for a while, she will not be able to finish this year, the only way for her to wake up is talking to her. Coaxing her to wake up but until then she's on life support"

You could hear the Heffleys hearts break.
Mr. Heffley sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
Rodrick's breath hitched as he felt his chest began to hurt.
Greg and Rowley's eyes filled with Tears as flashes of their best friends death at the school.
Manny whimpered as if he knew what was happening.
Rodrick's anger began to build along with his sadness.
He stood up his chair hitting the wall as he angrily walked out into the parking lot, Tears clouding the 17 year olds vision. He kicked a huge flower pot over the concrete vase, crumbling into a million little pieces, he fell to the ground, hands wrapped in his hair and his elbows resting on his knees as he began to sob.
Greg wrapped his arms around his brother crying

"I'm sorry" Greg whispered to his brother Rodrick couldn't breathe or that's what it felt like.
Greg knew no words would fix this.

It could be a long time.
It could be a short amount of time.
Time would tell for the beautiful blonde girl.
The girl that changed for the better.
The girl boys now out their jackets over puddles for.

The girl who only wanted one person.
All she wanted was for everyone to be happy. Even herself but she broke.
"I should've just stayed away from those jerks on Halloween" Greg cried to Rodrick and Rowley.

They younger boys blaming themselves for what's happening to their bestfriend.

"Don't blame yourselves" they could hear her voice
As if she was there.
She would've found the most positive outcome in such a terrible situation but now she couldn't.

Rodrick pulled himself up to his feet and into the hospital.
He found her laying there, Bandage on her head, Tube down her throat and in her nose.
She was hooked to machines and needles in her arms.
They were trying to keep her breathing.

And that's what broke Rodrick.
Seeing her so vulnerable, it was sickening.
He sat next to her grabbing her hand.
"Hey Anna, I hope you can hear me because if not I'll feel like I'm just talking to myself. Do you remember the first time we met? It was probably the best day of my life" he sighed putting her knuckles to his lips.

Tears falling onto her hands.
It was the summer of 05' Annabelle Banton had just moved into the old grey 2 story house.
She was a very outgoing kid.
Never stopped smiling.
She always cried when something tragic happened, like if a squirrel was ran over.
The little girl twirled in her pink dress "hello new home!" She yelled giggling
"Give it back!" Someone yelled
The little girl was knocked flat onto her butt getting her new dress dirty.
She sighed looking sadly at now scuffed up white shoes and her dirty dress

"Hey! You messed up my dwess!" She whined
"I'm sorry" the boy pulled he up quickly "hey I'm Annaaaaa!" She sung the boy looked at her as if she was some type of creature.
"I'm Rodrick!" The boy laughed quickly after.

~flashback overrr~

He would never forget how outgoing the girl was.
"You were so outgoing and girly. I'll never forget that time at the pool when some kid lost their goggles and was too scared to jump in so you dove 7 feet under with no goggles and got them for him, you've always been good at everything, school, activities, making people like you, Making people fall in love with you" he smiled sadly.

He sat there for a little while listening to the Monitor beeping every so often.

"Rodrick we've gotta go, her dads her we can come see her tomorrow" Susan sighed putting her hand on the boys hand that was holding Anna's he nodded kissing her knuckles one last time then leaving one on her forehead
"See you tomorrow, turdlicker"
He smiled tears in his eyes walking out of the hospital behind his family.

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